Sci-Fi Bulkhead Door

by yaschancool in Models

Sci-Fi Bulkhead Door med-poly model. The model is based on mesh normals instead of baked normals and can be rendered without having to worry about normal map syncing. It will render without artifacts using Cycles renderer.

The model has PBR metal-rough textures and mirrored, optimized UV coordinates to make most out of the texture space. Front and behind share same UV coordinates.

Texture resolution is 2048x2048. Albedo, Roughness, Normal, Metalness and Emissive maps are included. Weather texture set also has an alpha channel for the window area for transparency effect. Maps are packed in Unreal Engine 4 format and separated via nodes and plugged into Principled Shader.

Mostly quads. 374 tris and 3762 quads. No ngons, co-planar faces or isolated vertices.

The scene is render ready with area lights.


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Published about 7 years ago
Software Version 2.79
Render Engine Used Cycles
Misc Data UV'S Unwrapped, Normal Mapped, Textured
License Royalty Free