Rwd-22 Torpedo Bomber
Three maps are included:
- rwd22_base_diffuse.png - for diffuse and glossy shaders, used by "base" and "glass" materials,
- rwd22_base_gloss.png - for mix shaders, used by "base" material,
- rwd22_base_bump.png - for displacement input, used by "base" material,
Moving the model and parts
The whole model is easy to move/rotate by selecting either the "RWD-22" group or the "fuselage01" object, which is the root parent.
Ailerons can be modified by rotating the "aileron_R" object along its local X axis - the opposite aileron will change orientation automatically.
Flaps can be modified by rotating the "flap_R" object along its local X axis - the opposite flap will change orientation automatically.
Elevator can be modified by rotating the "elevator" object along its local X axis.
Rudders can be modified by rotating the "rudder_L" and "rudder_R" objects along their local Z axes.
Water rudders can be modified by rotating the "water_rudder_L02" and "water_rudder_R02" objects along their local Z axes.
Propellers can be rotated by rotating the "prop_tip_L" and "prop_tip_R" objects along their local Y axes.
Door can be opened by rotating the "fuselage_door01" object along its local Z axis.
Bay doors can be opened by rotating the "fuselage_baydoor01", "fuselage_baydoor02", "fuselage_baydoor03" and "fuselage_baydoor04"" objects along their local Y axes.
Rear machine gun angle can be modified by rotating the "gun_mount02" object along its local Z axis and "gun02" object along its local Y axis.