Real Time Motion Graphics

by Midge "Mantissa" Sinnaeve in Training

The course is broken up in to the following sections:

1. Intro

101 - Blender Startup Scene & UI
102 - Tweaking Preferences
103 - Awesome Built-in Addons

2. Procedural Modeling

201 – Procedural Transformations
202 – Simple Cable Setup
203 – Modifier Coordinates
204 – Deforming Arrays
205 – Vertex Weights I
206 – Vertex Weights II
207 – Vertex Weights III
208 – Masked Grid
209 – Intricate Grid Pattern
210 – Organic Pattern
211 – Quick Variations

3. Animation Techniques

301 – Easy Driver Animation
302 – Keyframe Modifiers
303 – Looping Modifier Animations
304 – Animating Deformation
305 – Cloth Simulation Caching
306 – Transformational Caching
307 – Particle Caching
308 – Dynamic Paint basics
309 – Mirror Mirror

4. Shading Tricks

401 – Modifier Material Control
402 – Textures, Mapping & Quick Material Setup
403 – Range Mapping & Color Ramping
404 – Shading Randomness I
405 – Shading Randomness II
406 – Vector Manipulation
407 – Shading Randomness III
408 – Shader To RGB
409 – Transparency

5. Lighting Tips

501 – Direct & Indirect Lighting
502 – Maximum Reflections
503 – Volumetrics
504 – Particle Lights
505 – Eevee Gotchas
506 – Denoising &Compositing
507 – Render Passes & Custom EXR
508 – Command Line Rendering

6. Projects

601 – VJ Tunnel Loop
602 – Cube Wave Background
603 – Walking Man
604 – Hologram Landscape
605 – Modeling Title
606 – Animation Title
607 – Shading Title
608 – Rendering Title
609 – RTMG Title

Here's a live stream done for the launch where I answer a whole bunch of questions:

Sales 1500+
Customer Ratings 23
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 4 years ago
Blender Version 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
License Creative Commons
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