
by Vasilii Pavlenko in Addons

Relit 2.7 Documentation


This add-on for Blender provides an efficient way to manage and generate lights in your 3D scenes. Follow the steps below to get started.


  1. Download the Add-On:
    • Obtain the add-on ZIP file from the official source.
  2. Install the Add-On:
    • Open Blender.
    • Go to Edit > Preferences.
    • In the Preferences window, select Add-ons from the left-hand menu.
    • Click on Install... at the top right.
    • Locate and select the downloaded ZIP file, then click Install Add-on.
      1. Or Install as an Extension :
        • Open Blender.
        • Go to Edit > Preferences.
        • In the Preferences window, select Get Extention from the left-hand menu.
        • Click on Install... at the top right.
        • Locate and select the downloaded ZIP file, then click on Install From Disk.
  3. Enable the Add-On:
    • Once installed, find the add-on in the list (you can search by name).
    • Check the box next to the add-on to enable it.
  4. Save Preferences:
    • Click on Save Preferences to keep the add-on enabled for future sessions.

For Blender Versions 2.8 - 4.2

  1. Download the Add-On:
    • Obtain the add-on ZIP file from the official source.
  2. Install the Add-On:
    • Open Blender.
    • Go to Edit > Preferences (or File > User Preferences in older versions).
    • In the Preferences window, select Add-ons from the left-hand menu.
    • Click on Install from File... (or Install Add-on from File... in older versions).
    • Locate and select the downloaded ZIP file, then click Install Add-on.
  3. Enable the Add-On:
    • Once installed, find the add-on in the list (you can search by name).
    • Check the box next to the add-on to enable it.
  4. Save Preferences:
    • Click on Save User Settings (or Save Preferences in newer versions) to keep the add-on enabled for future sessions.

Getting Started

  1. Open the Add-On Menu:
    • Navigate to the add-on’s menu within Blender.
  2. Select the Main Object:
    • Select the main object in your scene, or add an empty object. This is crucial because the lights will be generated relative to this location.
    • Note: Area lights will be locked onto the selected object.

Settings and Configuration

  1. Type of Light:
    • Choose between Area, Point or Spot lights.
  2. Number of Lights:
    • Specify the number of lights to generate.
  3. Light Configuration:
    • If you need Color : Enable “Color”
      • Color Scheme: Choose a color scheme for your lights.
      • Random : will generate light with random color.
      • Mono : will generate light with the color you set in the “Color” color picker. And the color of the light will go less saturated.
      • Mono alt: will generate light with the color you set in the “Color” color picker. And the color of the light will go less bright.
      • Comp : will generate light with the color you set in the “Color” and “Color1” color pickers. And the colors of the light will go less saturated.
      • Comp alt : will generate light with the color you set in the “Color” and “Color1” color pickers. And the colors of the light will go less bright.
    • If you need Texture: Enable “Texture” (available only in Cycles render engine)
      • Choose any texture you want.
    • Power: Adjust the intensity of the light.
    • Size: Define the size of the light.
    • Spread: Control the spread of the light. Use the -Z Spread option if you need lights to be positioned below your object.
  4. Scene Management / Additional Features:
    • Set the preferred name of the lights in the “Name”
    • Click “Select All” to select all the lights if they have a name that starts with the name you typed above
    • Click “Delete All” to delete all the lights if they have a name that starts with the name you typed above
    • Click on the “WORLD” icon to set the world color to black.

By following these steps and utilizing the settings, you can create customized lighting setups to enhance your 3D scenes in Blender. Enjoy!


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Published 10 months ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL