Realistic Nature Asset Pack

by CG Geek in Models

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 19 ratings by the community.

  • HUE
    over 6 years ago

    For ten bucks, this add-on can save a lot of time! Thanks!

  • Marco
    over 6 years ago

    Very good pack. I'm really enjoying it!

  • mark
    over 6 years ago

    Great pack of Trees. After seeing CG Geek youtube videos I joined his Patreon page and then picked up trees and Nature Assets. These have been the best purchase I have made for blender.

  • Jordan Hazard
    almost 7 years ago

    I wanted to brag on this asset pack. This was my 1st pack I bought from Blender Market & was nervous at the process. Really easy & simple. Once I loaded the asset into Blender, I was Instantly Impressed. I always had an issue personally with creating grass that I liked & this asset pack solved all my issues! The rocks, weeds, & flowers were a plus as well. This pack is a must get for your nature scene needs!

  • Reece Castle
    almost 7 years ago

    Very nice looking pack with a wide variety of options to fit every scene, works as it should, and all for a very low cost. Very helpful to someone like me, who compared to others, is relatively new to Blender. Thanks!

  • Ridza Kalimanto
    over 7 years ago

    Great job man! It really helps to encourage a newbie like me to create a scene and tweak the settings here and there :)

  • Rob
    over 7 years ago

    Hi, it's a decent pack, though it's not anything special. My biggest complaint though, and maybe I am misunderstanding something so if you can clarify why you did this I may increase my rating. But, why are all of the objects rotated as if they are laying down instead of standing up? This creates an unnecessary step and since I am new to blender I am having a hard time rotating the objects. I'm not sure why this is happening to your objects that I import, but after I rotate them to the correct orientation the respective particle objects to not adjust to the correct rotation. Even after applying the rotation, or even going into edit mode and rotating them... I just don't get it. Ugh...

    • Steve Lund

      over 7 years ago

      Hey, the reason for rotating them 90 degrees is for using them with a particle system, If you check out my demonstration video, this makes it helpful to distribute the assets on the correct orientation when in a particle system. If you want the rotation to be normal, just select all the assets with the A key, and hit R then -90 and X. This will return them to the correct axis, hope this helps and have fun with the pack!

  • Ralph Gauer
    over 7 years ago

    Very good and clean low-poly assets. Nice rocks, good vegetation and easy to use.

  • Evan
    about 8 years ago

    This pack saved me a lot of time! The models are easy to use and blend (see what I did there?) into many of my nature scenes without any changes. I would love to see more assets in the future. :)

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Sales 5000+
19 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 9 years ago
Software Version 4.0, 3.4, 3.2, 3.0, 2.79
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Royalty Free