Random Texture

by Patrik Hultberg in Addons

Random Texture is a great tool to help you randomise your textures. It works especially well for example a book shelf, or a particle system where textures should be random. 

To achieve this in Blender at the moment is unfortunately a bit time consuming and might disrupt your workflow. The Random Texture add-on lets you do it in a matter of seconds. Just choose if you want to use image textures or principled BSDFs for your textures, how many textures you want to randomize and press "Create material". After that it is just to go into your node setup, choose the "Random Texture" material and add your textures in the made node set-up.


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Sales 40+
1 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 3 years ago
Software Version 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93
License GPL