Quick Groups (Instances) - Group Objects Using Ctrl+G
It creates grouping-like workflow using regular instances.
Ctrl+G - make Instance (group) from selected objects
F9 (adjust last operation) to set center of the group and set a name
Tab - Opens group edit mode
Deselect everything and press Tab - Return to scene.
Ctrl+Alt+G - ungroup
Ctrl+Shift+G - advanced options like make single user, and change instance.
This add-on uses regular Blender instances, so you can work with "groups" made by this add-on, even if you haven't this add-on.
Version 0.2:
- Ungrouping (Ctrl+Alt+G)
- Group menu (Ctrl+Shift+G)
- Make single user
- Make existing instances editable in Library
Version 0.3:
- Edit keymap in add-on preferences
- Add / remove from instance