Quick Functions
Quick functions, its 3 add-ons in one
Introducing pie menus
using the shirt+Q shortcut you can access a lot of blender functionality that would normally take several clicks and opening different tabs, and depending on context you can access even more functionality using one single shortcut
update_ 2nd feb 2022:
- add volumetrics with single button
- context object panel to easily access most used object properties
- add sky texture in single click
- infinite plane in single click
- control sky rotation and elevation using a sun object
- import multiple fbx,obj models in single click
update: 4-23-2022
- Optimize Images feature. if you have a lot of large textures in your scene, blender tends to slow down alot while working, if you dont need all that resolution you can use the optimize feature to scale down the images by 3, which will gradually increase blenders viewport speed
Render Functions pie menu
Quick function shader/node pie menu not only does the shift + Q shortcut give quick access to different nodes, you also get custom operators like, adding mapping to any node, mixing nodes using math or mixrgb node and more
you can use the node to shader operator to connect any node to any shader input in a single click. As a plus, if you are connecting to the normal map or bump map, the required normal map will be added for you automatically
quick functions