Puppetiere: The Blender 4.1+ Bone Plugin

by tykuii's lil shop in Addons

Hello! Current features:

Object Mode Marionette Pie Menu - Keymap: V

*Functions: Add Root Bone

Armature Pose Mode:

A. N-Panel

a.1. Bone Director Tab

a.1.1. Bone Collections offered in the N-Panel

a.1.2. Quick Search and Filtering Bar; Search through your active collection to quickly find bones. Great for large and complex rigs.  You must refresh the list if any bones are renamed or deleted, otherwise the proxy will be referring to a bone that no longer exists.

details: You can search for multiple bones by using + (toe+arm will filter to find the names of bones that contain toe or arm in the name or as a tag), - (arm -fore will remove bones that contain fore in the name or as a tag). Conventionally, it should also work with &, &&, |, ||, AND, and OR but I've had some difficulty with the results. + and - are verified to be fully functional.

a.1.2.1 A toggle button to turn on and off the influence of properties in the search feature. While on, the search will incorporate both names and values of properties. Off will disregard them; A checkmark will designate whether the influence is on or not. I'm looking to incorporate, in the future, the possibility to filter for float values of properties (>= or = or <=). It may come in handy for finding unwanted influences, but this feature isn't currently in the plugin.

a.1.2.2 A button to refresh the bone list. The list refreshes by default when pressing enter, but the button exists to support those who might just like clicking buttons.

a.1.2.3 A select and deselect button per bone, to select the bone on the list. The bones in the list are proxies, so selecting directly (highlighted blue) only selects the proxy. Be sure to use the select and deselect button on the list to actually select the bones!

a.1.2.4 A select all button, which selects all of the filtered results that show up in the list. This is the most nifty feature to quickly isolate and select the results of your search.

a.1.3 Bone List: Showcases the bones that are present with your search terms.

a.1.4 Bone Operations: If the list is not currently available, it means it needs to be generated. This button will serve to generate the list. It also detects a fair amount of ways to conventionally name a bone, and from what it detects creates appropriate collections to organize your labeled bones. Any bones that aren't recognized conventionally are moved into an "Others" collection. No premade user collections are destroyed on this operation.

a.1.5 Pose <-> Weight Paint: If the user has an object and armature selected, and I believe lock object modes needs to be disabled, this button allows the user to quickly swap between the two modes. Great for adjusting weight paints and poses to verify your work.

a.2.1 Strings: This feature is currently unavailable. It depends entirely on how animation layers launch. If the launch of animation layers by Blender is smooth and without any frustrations, I will likely remove this panel.

a.3.1 Marionette: Manages the bone constraints of the selected bone.

a.4.1 Bone Information: Displays the information of the selected bone(s). If it has a parent, the parent will show on the left. Elsewise it will show the armature name. Bone names are editable from this list. Users can create bone properties from this section as well.

a.5.1 Marionette Pose Pie:  It is important to note that you must tap the key for the menu to act as a toggle ( to remain on your screen ). Elsewise blender defaults to treating the keypress as a 'hold-to-keep-open'.

a.5.1.1 Quick Constraints and toggle extensions. The top left showcases quick constraints for users to select from. They will apply to selected bones the way blender normally applies constraints. The arrows allow you to toggle the menu for extended options.

a.5.1.2 Tag Input: Allows you to tag your bone selections, for further organization when it comes to filtering results in searches.

a.5.1.3 Quick Toggles: Bone Names Toggle, Bone Axes Toggle, Bones In Front Toggle, Bone Deform Toggle, and a menu for quick favorites. 

b.1 Marionette Edit Armature Pie: Offers the same Quick Toggles Menu

b.1.2 Offset Connect function, as blender uses.

b.1.3 Bone Disconnect function, as blender uses.

b.1.4 Parent Connect function, as blender uses.

b.1.5 Subdivide, almost as blender uses. The cuts are not live, and are showcased in the self report info (1-10). This may be replaced in the future with something else.

b.1.5 Generate Targets function: From selected bones, detects deform bones. Generates tgt bones from deform bones, with constraints attached.

c.1 Marionette Weight Painting Pie

c.1.2 Quick favorites menu

c.1.3 Toggle Weight Paint Vertex Mask

c.1.4 Toggle Vertex Paint Vertex Mask

c.1.5 Toggle Viewport Shading Wireframe

c.1.6 Quick Swap modes from Weight Painting to Pose

The bone collections and bone list is available in all three modes to make life easier. It took a lot of time and effort, with your help and any suggestions sent to my email: exephyX@gmail.com ; we can reduce some of the pain of rigging and animation.


7/3/2024- Added New Bone Director, Locks, Snaps, Collection Tools and much, much, much more. No new keymaps though!

2/28/24- Added Marionette pie menu to Object Mode, Weight painting mode. Press V! The pie menu in Weight Painting mode is optional. In order to use it, you'll have to remove your V keymap (default is to toggle the paint mask and vertex paint mask, which the pie includes in its functionality.)

Streamlined the search feature; It is no longer required to press the refresh button, but the button exists for when it is needed.

Added functionality to generate target bones from deform bones in the Edit Armature Marionette pie menu. Specifically, if it detects labeled deform bones in your selection, you can choose to generate target bones from these deform bones with the constraints already set up for you.

Added functionality to Weight painting and Pose mode; Quickly can toggle between the two states if there is an armature and Mesh object selected.

Added functionality to the Object Mode Marionette pie menu to quickly add root bones. The bones can be generated based on the size of any active objects, so they remain proportional to them. These bones are added at the origin of the selected object, if any exists.

2/27/24 -

Puppetiere: Added bone lists to 'edit armature' mode and weight paint mode; Introduced toggles to Pose mode. Minor bug fixes.

Puppetiere-Lite: Introduced selection and deselection functionality to bone lists. Minor bug fixes.

2/27/24 -

Puppetiere: Added select functionality to weight paint mode.

  • Latest Version of Puppetiere! Comes with the complimentary experimental Rigging Debug Script, PUPDebug.


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Sales 10
Published 12 months ago
Software Version 4.1, 4.0
License GPL