Procedural Telephone Pole System | Geonodes | Game-Ready Mesh

by Lars Berger in Modifier Setups

The Telephone Pole System lets you effortlessly create Telephone Pole Models for your Scenes.

You can change the Resolution for either a more refined look or better performance in e.g. Games. 

The procedural GeoNodes-Setup is based on a Curve that you place to your liking. A Pole will be generated on each vertex. You can simply tab in edit mode and edit the curve for example by extruding the vertecies. 
Best way to utilize the tool is by either putting it in your Asset Library or to append the GeometryNodes Setup and applying it to a curve (the setup is specifically designed for curves.). But you could also just use the blend file on its own. 

- Change the curve setting from 3d to 2d so the Poles will not tilt. (Pole direction depends on the rotation of the vertex) 
- You can use the Freehand Spline Tool and the project curve on surface method to create Poles quick and easy. If you do not want to use 2d curves, I would recommend going into the z-axis orthographic view and draw the curve from above.

Put the blendfile in your Asset Library and drag and drop it in your Scenes to get started. Here is a tutorial on how to set up your Asset Library:

Asset tutorial by The CG Essentials

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Procedural Spaceship Generator


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Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 3.5
License GPL