Procedural Kelp Forest Environment
Version 1:
Animated kelp forest environment for underwater scenes. Procedural kelp generator allows you to draw kelp in exactly the shapes you want! The water is animated with an ocean modifier to create dynamic lighting effects with the kelp.
The kelp is procedurally generated using geometry nodes, and can be customized with the Draw Curve tool.
Any shape drawn with Draw Curve tool will be instantly transformed into kelp! (See the linked video if you want to watch watch me using the tool, it is very simple to use.)
The file comes with three different kelp objects, which were used for the preview renders. Each is pre-set with a different leaf size (labeled KELP_SMALL, KELP_MEDIUM, and KELP_LARGE). Pick the size you like, enter edit mode, and start drawing! Leaf size and density can also be customized very easily if you are familiar with geometry nodes.
Includes two lighting options: an HDRI (Kloofendal Pure Sky) and a point light.
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plant generator geometry nodes spring24 ocean kelp forest blender procedural materials kelp underwater scene animated ocean 3d environment geometry nodes plant procedural plants