Geoprimitives panel

Object Deform panel
The deform object function works both on a regular object and on a geoprimitive, it has 6 axial deformers working simultaneously, when used in conjunction with a geoprimitive, you get the ability to adjust the mesh on the object during deformation and also adjust the size, when duplicating an object, the deformation dependence will be saved when using the Move panel you will be able to control the dependence of the deformation on the dependence point of the deformation, while each duplicated object will still have its own settings like any other separate object
Limit Deform panel
You can limit the effect of deformers on vertices, edges, faces of your object by connecting a limiter and adjusting its strength, this panel is in object editing mode when object deformation is enabled. (to use on a geoprimitive, you must first apply it)
Mesh Deform panel
Visual Boolean panel
Boolean layer
Beveled layer
Beveled layer (has
adjustments for the width of the bevel and the number of bevel segments). When adding layers after the bevel layer, to work out the layer correctly, move it below the new layers
Layer object panel
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spring24 visual boolean deform deforming mesh deform object deform primitives duplicate deform Vovrzull simple deform geoprimitives deformation