Popup Vertex Group

by Rubel in Addons

First of all, all the documentation is available on every operator descriptions.

If the popup panel isn't showing for you make sure to check FAQ page.

Per column : How many rows of vertex groups should contain in each column.

KeyMap list : You can change the keymap here.

Total VG : Total Vertex Groups.

Current Shown VG : Currently Showing Vertex Groups Count.

(This can be changed via searching, filtering etc.)

---VG Refresh---

Refresh the popup vertex group list, so the width of the list well be correct.

Make sure to always refresh after searching, filtering, deleting, toggle on/ off, changing per column etc.

One word, When the button shows make sure to click and refresh.

---Search String---

The name you want to search.

If you want to multiple search use ,(space) | (Name)(Comma)(Space)(Name)

For example : arm, palm, hand

After searching make sure to refresh the vertex popup window so the width well be correct (refresh button is located at top left corner of the popup window)
---Invert Search---

Display those results that isn't found in the search string.

(This can be combine with Case sensitive)

---Case sensitive---

Find the exact name eg. UPPER CASE and lowercase will not be the same. Hence searching def will not display those vertex groups that has Def name in it.

For example : Pinky | pinky (isn't same)

palm | palm (is same)

Spine | SpiNe (isn't same)

(This can be combine with Invert Search)

---Lock/ Unlock, Invert All---

If None of button are currently hold : Invert All.

If Shift button are currently hold : Unlock All.

If Ctrl button are currently hold : Lock All.

(If both button are currently hold it's gonna do the desire operation what top button says)


Name/Bone Hierarchy.

---Delete all vertex groups---

If Shift button are currently hold : Remove Unlocked Vertex Group.

If Ctrl button are currently hold : Remove All Vertex Group.

If Shift + Alt button are currently hold : Remove All Unlocked Vertex Groups Along With It's Binded Bones (Work on multiple armature)

WARNING⚠ : this will not delete the controller bone it will only delete the bone that is binded to this vertex group (Deformation bone). For simple rig this isn't the problem but for complex or advance rig eg. rigify, blender cloud rig this could be the problem. Rigify, Blender cloud rig use controller bone to move the deformation bone to make the both ik/ fk rig. Hence if the deformation bone is deleted than the controller bone become useless.

WARNING⚠ : This can be slow depend on bone, armature and your PC.

---Find and Rename---

Find : The string you want to find to replace to.

Replace : Replace the found string with this string.

Also replace bone name : Also gonna replace the binded bone name to the same as vertex groups name so that bone is gonna binded to vertex groups.

Replace only unlocked : Replace only those vertex groups name thats are unlocked.

---Remove All/ Selected vertex from vertex group---

(Works in Edit/Weight Paint Mode Only)

If None of button are currently hold : Remove all vertex from the active group (So you don't need to select and remove manually)

If Shift button are currently hold : Remove selected vertex from all group (Include Locked)


(If you enable or disable any of this make sure to refresh if the button shows, so the width of the popup window will be correct)

Show Select/ Deselect Button (Edit/ All paint mode only)

Show Assign/ Remove Button (Edit/ Weight paint mode only)

Show Lock/ Unlock Button

Show Rename Button

Show Delete Button

Show Copy Button

Show Move Button

---Weight Slider---

You can change how much weight to assign or remove.

(You can assign or remove weight in edit/ weight paint mode via assign/ remove button located right side of each vertex groups in edit/ weight paint mode)


You can hold ctrl button while sliding to incrementally slide or hold ctrl + shift to precisely incrementally slide.

or you can hold shift to precisely slide.


You can add vertex groups with + button located near weight slider.

(Edit/ Weight paint mode only)

If the ctrl button is currently hold : Assign weight to selected vertices.


This can be used as temporarily selection in edit/ weight paint mode

---Per column---

You can change per column here.

(After changing make sure to refresh vertex group popup, so the width of the popup will be correct)


If None of button are currently hold : Select vertices from vertex group

If Shift button are currently hold : Dselect vertices from vertex group.


If None of button are currently hold : Assign defined weight to selected vertices in vertex group.
If Shift button are currently hold : Remove defined weight from vertices in vertex group.

---Lock/ Unlock---

Lock/ unlock the vertex group to maintain it's weight or not.

You can press and drag to lock/ unlock in bulk.

---Rename vertex group---

Make sure not to rename anything like .L  .R | _L _R | .left .right | _left _right Because blender use it to do symmetric posing, mirror select bone etc.

Name : You can directly rename here.
(The name well be set as currently vertex group name)
Also Rename The Bone : Also rename the bone same as vertex group name)
This vertex group is bind to a bone : A warning shows that the vertex group is binded to a bone.
(Make sure to always enable "Also rename the bone" [Enable by default] to avoid posing problems, because if the vertex group name isn't same as bone name the bone isn't gonna move the vertices)
(Rename support multiple armature)

---Delete Vertex Group---

A Warning popup will show up along with a warning icon says "This vertex group is bind to a bone" if you want to or accidently try to delete a vertex group that is bind to a bone.

Also delete the bone : Also delete the bone.

WARNING⚠ : Similar concept here, this will not delete the controller bone it will only delete the bone that is binded to this vertex group (Deformation bone). For simple rig this isn't the problem but for complex or advance rig eg. rigify, blender cloud rig this could be the problem. Rigify, Blender cloud rig use controller bone to move the deformation bone to make the both ik/ fk rig. Hence if the deformation bone is deleted than the controller bone become useless.

---Copy Vertex Group---

Copy the vertex group.

---Move vertex group---

Move the vertex group

If None of button are currently hold : Move up

If Shift button are currently hold : Move down

Warning : The vertex group will move but some time it well not shown because of some hidden vertex group (eg. by searching, filtering)

---Set Active---

If None of button are currently hold : Set as active vertex group

If Ctrl button are currently hold : Set as active and add the name to search string.

(Search will be invert so clicked vertex group will be hidden and other vertex is gonna show, you can toggle off invert search at any time)

If Alt button are currently hold : Set as active and add the to find string.

(This could be useful if you are lazy to search/ type or want to search/ find and rename in unknown language)

(If both button are currently hold it's gonna do the desire operation what top button says)

If Shift button are currently hold : set as active and filter the name.

This need to combine with Ctrl or Alt to filter the name and add.

Filter that remove are .L, .R, _copy and numbers

Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 1 year ago
Blender Version 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
License GPL
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