Ply Simplify

by Troy Bowen in Modifier Setups

PLY Simplify v1.2 - Tutorial  

As of 4.0 you no longer need to use the experimental .ply import version. Just import using the STANFORD .ply option.

  • View point clouds using Geometry Nodes point system for quick viewing of point cloud data
  • Simplify the point cloud data for easier viewing
  • Option to render all points in final render, but simplify in the viewport
  • Change points scale for easier viewing
  • LOD's for rendering out the point cloud.

This Geometry Node setup functions only with 3.6 & 4.0 and its new .ply importer "Stanford PLY (.ply) Expiremental" and allows you to simplify a point cloud and visualize the color stored in a ply file. (See above, the experimental tag has been removed in 4.0 and you can just import these using the STANDFORD .ply importer.)

Currently, Blender does not visualize point clouds with colors as blender cannot show individual vertices with colors. This Geometry Nodes setup helps simplify the process to view your point cloud data and adjust its density on the fly within Blender and use Blender's native toolsets to modify and edit the point cloud.

Please read the documentation tab & reach out with any questions you might have before your purchase!


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Sales 10+
Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 4.0, 3.6
License Royalty Free
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