Plant Models Vol 86 Blender
Maxtree Plant Models Vol 86 is a collection of high-quality 3D plant models. Includes 12 species, total 72 single models.
- *.blend (3.3 and above) | *.FBX Format.
- Cycle | Eevee Materials.
- Acer palmatum ['Japanese Maple','Smooth Japanese Maple']
- Bothrocaryum controversum ['Cornus Controversa','Wedding Cake Tree']
- Caladium bicolor ['Caladiums']
- Camellia japonica ['Japanese Camellia','Common Camellia']
- Ginkgo biloba ['Ginkgo','Maidenhair Tree']
- Parthenocissus tricuspidata ['Boston Ivy']
- Picea asperata ['Dragon Spruce']
- Pinus tabuliformis ['Chinese Red Pine','Chinese Pine']
- Styphnolobium japonicum ['Chinese Scholar Tree','Japanese Pagoda Tree','Pagoda Tree']
- Syngonium podophyllum schott ['Arrowhead Plant','Arrowhead Vine']
- Tradescantia zebrina bosse ['Tradescantia Zebrina','Inch Plant']
- Vinca major ['Greater Periwinkle','Large Periwinkle']
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