Plant Models Vol 18 Low Blender
Maxtree Plant Models Vol 18 Low Poly is a collection of low poly 3D plant models. Includes 12 species, total 72 single models.
- *.blend (3.3 and above) | *.FBX Format.
- Cycle | Eevee Materials.
- Asterogyne [‘Asterogyne’]
- Bright edge yucca [‘Adam’s Needle’]
- Burretiokentia hapala [‘Burretiokentia’]
- Carludovica palmata [‘Toquilla palm’]
- Colocasia gigantea [‘Giant Elephant Ear’]
- Cyclanthus bipartitus [‘Cyclanthus’]
- Cymbopogon citratus [‘Lemongrass]
- Euphorbia ascot rainbow [‘Spurges’,’Euphorbia’]
- Farfugium japonicum [‘Leopard Plant’,’Tractor Seat Plant’,’Green Leopard Plant’]
- Guzmania sanguinea [‘Guzmania’]
- Tetrapanax papyrifer [‘Tetrapanax’]
- Licuala ramsayi [‘Australian Fan Palm’]
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#palm ornamental tropical plants environment nature 3d-model-lowpoly maxtree