Plant Models Vol 14 Blender
Maxtree Plant Models Vol 14 is a collection of high-quality 3D succulents models. Includes 15 species, total 99 single models.
- *.blend (3.3 and above) | *.FBX Format.
- Cycle | Eevee Materials.
- Aeonium aureum ['Greenovia Aurea']
- Astridia velutina ['Astridia']
- Carex atrata ['Black Alpine Sedge']
- Crassula arborescens ['Silver Dollar Jade']
- Crassula fusca ['Crassula Fusca']
- Echeveria agavoides ['Lipstick Echeveria']
- Echeveria brave ['Echeveria']
- Glottiphyllum longum ['Tongue Leaf Plant']
- Graptopetalum purple delight ['Graptopetalum Snow White']
- Phedimus spurius ['Sedum Spurium','Two Row Stonecrop']
- Sedum reflexum ['Jenny's Stonecrop','Reflexed Stonecrop']
- Sedum pachyphyllum ['Jelly Bean Plant','Succulent Beans']
- Senecio serpens ['Blue Chalksticks']
- Thymus mongolicus ['Thymus Vulgaris']
- Valeriana officinalis ['Valerian','Garden Heliotrope']
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succulents maxtree 3d-grass garden decorative plants indoor plants potted plant ornamental