Photorealistic Snow Covered Apple Trees

by Besa_Art in Models

Photorealistic Apple Trees

This asset includes photorealistic snow covered apple trees in low poly and mid poly and high poly version for your VFX, Games and 3D environments.
The old apple tree is photographed under favourable weather & light conditions, accurate photo scanned with attention for detail. Both types of this pack (lowpoly and midpoly) are retopologized, clean and unwrapped. Ready for use them in a close-up shot or as a particle system.

Perfect for using in winter scenes and as a backdrop object for large nature environments.
For all CG artists who wants to put on their environment scenes a touch of more realism.

All versions come from the 3D scanning process. They were cleaned, the low poly and the mid poly one highly deccimated to be better in work with them. The High Poly version with the most poligons gives realistic results, the low & mid poly models have much less poligons and a snow cover layer on it.

What you can except

- Photographed with high quality equipment
- Photo scanned with attention for detail in favourable light conditons
- Low poly and mid poly models are retopologized into quad meshes, cleaned and unwrapped
- For more realism they all have a Roughness map, an AO map and a normal map. All of them perfectly fit into the meshes


  • The textures for the mid poly apple tree comes in 4k, PNG resolution
    The textures for the low poly apple tree in 4k, JPEG resolution


3D Models Included:

low poly: 27,606 Polys (Snow cover layer: 18,692 Polys)

mid poly: 356,408 Polys (Snow cover layer: 16,506 Polys)

high poly: 529,540 Polys


The thin branches and the tree from top angle view aren't highly photoscanned and textured


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Published almost 3 years ago
Software Version 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Royalty Free