Photogrammetry Park Rocks

by spettsart in Models

Heres a collection of 11 photoscanned (photogrammetry) rocks from a park area.

The Sketchfab preview only shows Lowpoly Rock 03 with diffuse and height normals baked.

Each rock comes with:

Highpoly (~300-600k tris) and 6k texture set.
Lowpoly (~3-6k tris, auto retopo) and 4k texture set.

Each scan includes the ground area as part of the mesh.

Diffuse is from scans, and Albedo are a mix of photoshop and Agisoft De-lighter methods.
And rough colormasks included to separate rock, dirt, and grass.
Some other textures are mostly generated with Materialize.
And Ive separated the micro and heigh normals for the lp models for easier adjustments.

Obj/Mtl files included.

Each blend file already has materials set up and models marked as library assets.
And vertex groups pre-assigned for any grass scattering desired.

I used just my phone camera and Meshroom for photogrammetry, so these arent quite Megascan quality assets, but they are pretty good for at least midshots.

The rocks' real world scale are on average a few meters in length.

You are free to use this for any personal or commercial project, except for resell.


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Published over 1 year ago
Software Version 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Royalty Free
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rocks 3d photoscanned photogrammerty 3d environment