Perfect Perspective Add-On For Blender Grease Pencil
Documentation (Note: Some screenshots may be for older versions):
Follow these steps to install the add-on seamlessly within Blender:
Navigate to Edit -> Preferences -> Add-ons.
Click the "Install" button and choose the provided ZIP file.
Access the add-on panel by pressing N in the viewport and selecting the "Perfect Perspective" tab.
Overview of settings
New Settings in 1.1.3
Now, vanishing points can be established in two distinct modes: Clicky and Manual.
Generates empties as Vanishing Points based on your Perspective Type. Clicking (re)Generate will create a new grid based on their location.
Empties can be freely moved and used to regenerate the perspective grid as required. (Make sure you are in Object mode so you can select them!)
Retains the traditional method of setting Vanishing Points using precise coordinates
While the empties controlling the vanishing points can be repositioned, the regenerated grid relies on the specified coordinates
This will quickly cycle through different perspective grids. Can be useful when brainstorming.
Old Settings:
Shared Settings
Width: Line Width
Strength: Line Strength
Line Color: Color (including Alpha) of generated perspective grid.
Assist Color: Color (including Alpha) of the perspective assists.
(re)Generate Perspective: Generate perspective grid based on selected settings. Replaces non-archived grid. Can have one of each Perspective Type active at a time
Clear All: Clear all active Perspective Grids (not ones that were archived)
Archive Grid: Renames and moves archive grid objects into an Archive collection. Move it out of the Archive collection to use as reference.
Perspective Assists: Create Perspective Assists that follow your mouse around while drawing, always pointing to the appropriate Vanishing Points. ESC cancels. Horizontal and Vertical rulers can be activated on the fly.
Note: Make sure your Grease Pencil object is selected to see the assists.
VP1 Pos: X,Y position of the first Vanishing Point.
One Point Perspective
Line Count: How Many Lines are Generated
Radius: Radius of each line generated
Two Point Perspective
Draw Ceiling: Mirrors the base perspective grid over VP1 and VP2
Draw Verticals: Draws vertical lines over the inner perspective grid
Steps: How many lines going toward the perspective grid starting from Obs Pos (IE: how many grid lines are drawn)
Perspective Factor: Scale of 0 to 1, dictates how close the grid steps are drawn to the origin vs the vanishing points.
Obs Pos: The Observer point (probably can come up with a better name). The frontmost position of the grid
VP2 Pos: X,Y position of the second vanishing point.
Three Point Perspective
All features of Two Point Perspective (except Ceiling)
Perspective Factor Y: How big each of the unit of the perspective grid's Y axis is.
Verts: Draws the verts for the inner grid (Currently only really useful at low step counts)
VP3 Pos. X,Y position of the third vanishing point.