Pbr Bridge

by iwHiteRabbiT in Surfacing

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 28 ratings by the community.

  • Eryn Lynn
    4 months ago

    This addon is unfortunately not very customizable and the author was rude when contacted about addressing those concerns. The shader that's generated by this addon isn't compatible with exporting to other formats (such as GLTF) and, in the words of the author, "is only for Blender renders". This is obviously extremely limiting. When contacted, he said the addon "is a bridge between Blender and Substance, not Blender and a Game Engine" - yeah, obviously! You still need to get your materials back in to Blender before you export them to another format. So silly.

    Rather than making any attempt to be helpful, the author just explained to me why my workflow was wrong and then got weird at the end saying I was "threatening him" because I'd refund this addon if I can't find a solution here. Uh, yeah? Of course I'm going to refund a product if I literally cannot use it? I don't see how that's a threat. Anyway, very unhappy with my experience here. First negative experience on this website. I wouldn't put a one-star review *just* because an addon doesn't match my worfklow. It obviously does work for others. But the single star is because the author simply doesn't have the human decency to be polite. Most authors are very kind, so it's just a shame.

  • Aveline
    about 1 year ago

    This thing works like a charm. Super handy add-on, saves a ton of time. Adobe should really think about adding this to their lineup.

  • Thornwick
    about 1 year ago

    The Dev handles inquiries both before and after purchase. If folks struggle with installing the addon, it's not the product's fault but likely due to not seeking support.
    This addon will save you a lot of time, and works like a charm.

  • Eris Vale
    about 1 year ago

    An essential add-on!
    Truly a time/money-saving tool!

  • Elysian
    about 1 year ago

    This addon speeds things up and simplifies tasks, a must-have once you try it. It's a real time-saver. Initially had syncing issues in Blender but fixed it by restarting Blender after enabling the addon. Saves a ton of clicks.

    Amazing tool, significantly reduces Blender to Substance Painter transition time. Just baking textures remains before texturing. One button instead of many clicks and scrolls? Sign me up!

  • Cecilence
    about 1 year ago

    As a MacOS user, even though it doesn't auto-launch Substance, the time saved through its automation has been invaluable.
    Being a professional, this addon is an absolute steal, paying for itself within just a few days of use.
    Also, the dev is quite responsive and always helps on his discord, which is a nice bonus.
    Highly recommend it for its efficiency!

  • laura
    about 1 year ago

    Made my life so much easier with blender and substance painter.
    I can only hope the developer keeps updating it for blender 4.0 release as ive got very used to using in my work pipeline

    • JC Cavadini

      about 1 year ago

      Hi Laura, glad to hear that it made your life easier ;).
      Regarding Blender 4 compatibility, I'm currently working on it and I hope it will still work correctly ;)

  • dioib
    over 1 year ago

    used to use another addon between BLENDER and SP, now I just use this for my workflow and very very helpful! Great addon with great value! Just would love creator make a video showing how to work with udims and manay objects, (I have a robot character with 6 UDIMs and 400 objects) and I still not figure out how to work seamless. Because I read through documents and still not work out how to do that. Other than that, this addon is very very good indeed.

  • Staffan Millqvist
    over 1 year ago

    Great support, and a very good addon. Makes working with Substance in Blender easy. I'm giving it five stars, even though there is always room for improvements. Especially documentation on how things acually work, and work flow tips, would be a great addition.

  • Henrik Cederblad
    almost 2 years ago

    Works flawlessly!!! I used another solution for this, which involves installing things in Substance, but with this solution, it's just plug and play (only install the Blender addon, good to go). Also appreciate the developer having a Discord (see description) where questions can be asked. Superb stuff!

    • JC Cavadini

      almost 2 years ago

      Thank you Henrik for taking the time to write such an encouraging comment! Cheers :D

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Sales 1000+
28 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 3 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91, 2.9, 2.83, 2.82
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License GPL