Install the organizer add-on by following these simple steps:
1. Download the zip-file from Blender Market.
2. In blender, open the 'Edit' menu and select 'Preferences...'.
3. In the preferences window, select the 'Add-ons' tab.
4. Click on the 'install...' button in the upper right corner.
5. Select the organizer zip-file and click on the 'Install Add-on' button.
6. Enable the Add-on
All the functionality of the organizer add-on can be found in the N-panel. If you cannot see the N-panel, press the key 'N' while hovering the mouse cursor in the 3D view.
In order to see all the text and buttons on the organizer panel, you might need to make it wider by dragging its left border.
General Considerations
The add-on can perform batch operations affecting large a number of objects, like removing all materials from all objects.
For that reason, all operations that cause any change to your scene will show a pop-up window asking for confirmation. This means that you will not accidentally ruin your scene with a single click. It is recommended, however, to save your file before performing large operations.
Tool Categories
At the top of the panel you can choose between 4 different categories of tools.
Name - select or change object or data block name
Materials - select objects by material, remove or substitute materials
Modifiers - select objects using modifiers or that have specific modifier settings
Object Data - select objects that have or don't have specific data like UV maps, shape keys etc.
Global Options
Just below the category selection, you will find a few global options that apply for all operations:
Operate on
You can select which objects you want to include in an operation:
- Selection - Only the currently selected objects.
- Visible - All objects that are visible. This means that hidden objects are not included, nor objects that are in a hidden collection.
- All - All objects in your scene, visible or hidden. Note that hidden objects can not be selected. Operations that select objects will, however, report if hidden objects match the search.
Selection Mode
This option applies to all operations that select objects, like for instance "select objects by name".
- Replace - Clear the current selection (if any) and make a new selection
- Add - Add matching objects to the selection
- Subtract - Subtract matching objects from the current selection
Note that some combinations of options will have no effect, like choosing 'operate on selection' and 'selection mode: add'.
Most operations will create a report shown at the bottom of the panel.
Name Tools
The name tools category has tools to search for or change the name of objects or their data.
Object Name / Data Name
Most of the name tools can operate either on object names or data names. All objects have an object name. Objects like meshes and curves are linked to a data block that has its own name. This option lets you decide if you want to search for or modify the object names or the name of their data.
Note that multiple objects might use the same data. This is the case if you make linked duplicates.
Select Objects by Name
This tool lets you search for, and select, objects that contain a string. You canĀ search for the string at the beginning of the name, at the end, or anywhere in the name. If 'case sensitive' is selected, only names that match the case will be selected.
The tool will operate on either the object name or the data name depending on the 'search for / modify' setting.
Add / Remove Prefix / Suffix
This tool lets you add a prefix or a suffix to a name, or remove a prefix or a suffix.
If the option 'suffix before number' is selected, a dot and a 3-digit number at the end of the name will not be considered part of the name. This means that adding the suffix '_small' to 'Cube.004' will change the name to 'Cube_small.004'. In the same way, removing the suffix '_small' will change the name of 'Cube_small.004' to 'Cube.004'.
The tool will operate on either the object name or the data name depending on the 'search for / modify' setting.
Replace String in Name
This tool will replace a part of the name of an object or its data.
The tool will operate on either the object name or the data name depending on the 'search for / modify' setting.
Object Data Name
If you don't name your meshes every time you make a new object, you will probably have a lot of objects with proper names like 'house', 'chair' or 'table' but mesh names 'Cube.007' or 'Circle.003'. This tool will rename the data block using the object name.
Note that if you have multiple objects using the same data, the data name can match the object name for just one of them.
Material Tools
Material tools can search for and change materials.
Select Objects
Without Materials
Selects objects that don't have any assigned materials.
With Empty Material Slots
Selects objects that have one or more empty material slots.
With Unused Materials
Selects objects that have one or more material slots that are not assigned to the geometry.
Note that although these materials are not assigned directly to the geometry of the object, they might be used by an other modifier like solidify or geometry nodes.
Remove Materials
Unused Materials
Removes materials that are not assigned to the geometry (faces, splines etc.).
NOTE! These materials can be used by modifiers. You might want to select objects with unused materials first and check if this is the case.
All Materials
Removes all materials slots.
Replaces one material for another.
Blender has two types of materials. Normal/classic materials and grease pencil materials. Choose in the 'material type' setting which type of material you want to substitute. Only the corresponding materials will be shown in the drop-down list.
Modifier Tools
Modifier tools can select objects that use modifiers, remove modifiers or set the visibility for modifiers.
Select Objects
Using any Modifier(s)
Will select all objects that uses one or more modifiers.
w/ Modifier Disabled in Viewport
Will select objects that have one or more modifiers that are disabled in the viewport.
w/ Modifier Disabled for Render
Will select objects that have one or more modifiers that are disabled for render.
Using Modifier
Will select objects using a given modifier type.
Remove Modifiers
All Modifiers
Pressing the 'All Modifiers' button, you will remove all modifiers of all types.Specific Modifier
You can remove a specific type of modifier by selecting modifier type in the drop down menu and then clicking the 'remove' button.Set Visibility
You can set the visibility for the modifiers of all object in the current scope.
With the buttons on the first line, you can choose which action you would like to perform. They represent respectively:
- Enable in viewport
- Disable in view port
- Enable for render
- Disable for render
With the buttons on the second line, you can choose if you want to perform this action for all modifiers of any type, or for only a specific type of modifier.
If you select 'Specific Modifier', you can select with the drop down menu for which type of modifier you would like to change the visibility settings.
Object Data Tools
The object data tools let you select objects that have or don't have vertex groups, shape keys, UV maps, custom split normal data etc. They also let you batch rename or remove object data.
Select Objects
The first option lets you either select objects that have a specific feature or that are missing this feature.
For instance you can select objects that have shape keys, or you can select objects that don't have a UV map called 'lightmap'.Common Geometry Data
You can select objects that have one of the following data.
- Vertex Groups
- Shape Keys
- UV maps
- Color Attributes
- Face Maps
- Attributes
If the 'Name' field is empty, you will select all objects in scope (selection, visible or all) that have the chosen feature. If you enter a string in the 'Name' field, you will select only objects that have the given feature with that specific name.
- 'Vertex Group' selected and 'Name' field empty => select all objects that have one or more vertex groups.
- 'UV Map' selected and the string 'lightmap' in the 'Name' field => select all objects that have a UV map named 'lightmap'.
NOTE! All mesh objects in blender have attributes. It would normally only make sense to select objects that have attributes with a specific name. If you select all objects with attributes, you will get all mesh objects.
Custom Geometry Data
Features that blender display in the MESH / GEOMETRY DATA panel are grouped in a drop-down menu.
- Custom Split Normals Data
- Edge Bevel Weight
- Vertex Bevel Weight
- Edge Crease
- Vertex Crease
You can also select objects that have any of these 5 features by choosing 'Any Custom Geometry Data'.
Rename Group / Key / Map / Attribute
With this tool, you can batch rename named object data like vertex groups, UV maps or attributes.
Select the type of data you would like to rename and enter the name you would like to change in the 'From' field and the new name in the 'To' field.
Remove Data
You can batch remove the following object data:
- Vertex Groups
- Shape Keys
- UV Maps
- Color Attributes
- Face Maps
- Attributes
If the 'Name' field is empty, you will remove all data of the given type. If you enter a name in the 'Name' field, only data with that name will be removed.
- 'Shape Key' selected and 'Name' field empty => remove all shape keys from objects in the current scope.
- 'Attribute' selected and 'attribute_1' in the 'Name' field => remove all attributes with the name 'attribute_1' for objects in the current scope.
NOTE! Some attributes can not be deleted, like for instance 'position'. Although you can choose to remove all attributes that are not required, it would normally only make sense to remove attributes with a specific name.
Custom Geometry Data
Custom geometry data can be removed by selecting the data type in the drop-down menu and then clicking the 'Remove' button. You can also remove all custom geometry data by selecting 'All Custom Geometry Data'.
Set Active UV Map
This tool lets you set the active UV Map for all objects in the current scope (selection, visible or all) by name. By entering 'lightmap' in the name field and pressing 'Set' the UV Map called 'lightmap' will be set as active for all objects that have this UV Map. This means that you can edit a specific type of UV Map for multiple objects without selecting it manually for each object.
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