Omega Particle Fx V0.3
After Purchasing the Assets you will get 5 Blend files
♦ Elemnetal.blend
♦ Electricity
♦ Sparks
♦ Magic
♦ Debris
♦ Decoration
and a Support Files.rar which includes the Textures, a full Guide+Bugix .txt and a Catalog file for Organising the Assets.
For Installing the Assets:
you just need to set up an asset library folder in Edit >Preferences >File Paths
Then in that folder just download all the files there, and you should be good to go
You can use the Assets from the Asset Browser
The Catalog file in there is for organising the Assets
Please refer to this video on how to use it
In the Asset Library there are two types of Assets 'Collection' & 'Object'
for Collection assets you need to uncheck instance option to use them
All this information is also available in the Guide+Bugfix.txt File + some extra tips for troubleshooting the problems you might face while using the Assets
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