Nterior Facade Addon
Apply hundereds of Parallax rooms in just 2 clicks!
What is parallax ?
it is type of shader technique that gives you the illusion of 3d but it is actually 2d texture with extra steps , but for good 😁 as you can see below 👇
Now interiors for your Arch viz exteriors are easier and faster
you can have your interiors in just one click by the addon with very simple plane of quads being selected, each quad represents a room, you can create room grid with the addon and completely parametric with array modifiers
just decide where the rooms will be and leave the rest for Nterior!
Here it is in action
You will get
Nterior Addon
Shaders and counting
Test blend files and early access experiments
along with free future updates like animated people and of course more shaders
and now fully compatible with
Evermotion Archmaterials vol.5
Get 30% discount on the pack once you purchase Nterior addon
Click here to purchase this awesome pack from Evermotion that is fully compatible with Nterior
so ... what makes this addon stand out
here is a glimpse...
Auto Swap
Deadline Friendly feature 😁
are you still going to swap your parallax with suitable size ? let Nterior help you change this with a swipe of an edit
Rotate UV's button
Don't have time to rotate your UV's in UV Editor ? Let's have a button for that 😎
Love your curtains?
Switch shader curtains on or off in just a flick 😌
Interface buttons and settings
Change all Nterior settings directly from the addon instead going to modifier list
You will have 3 options and maybe more in the future (Residential, Office, Retails )
This addon is compatible with OSL MAPS and addon updates apply to it
Animated People
Glass mode
Nterior Lite
Update log:
June 2023: Nterior 1.0 release
April 2023 Status Update: Prototype completedDecember 2022: Early Access
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