Node Extrude Addon
How to use Node Extrude:
- Use the Shader Editor
- Hover your mouse over a node
- Press the Hotkey ("E" by default) and hold / Double-click-and-Drag
- While holding down the shortcut, drag your mouse to any socket on the node
- When highlighted, release the shortcut, a context menu appears
- Select a node from the list of smart suggestions (listed nodes depend on node and socket type. Only most useful nodes are listed)
- Hold shift to insert the new node between connected sockets (behavior can be changed in preferences)
- New node is being created!
The context menu is different for each socket type (and might vary for specific nodes). Node suggestions are categorized into "general" and "direction-specific" (depends on if a socket is an output or input). Custom icons provide even more clarity. Context menus are kept small enabling a faster workflow BUT this will mean that some nodes will still need to be added the "traditional" way. Context menus will have you covered around 95% of the time.
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