Get all of the files i've made for Nodevember in 2019!
Use them for educational purposes or use the shaders in your own projects.
All of them only use a primitive shape (plane, cube or sphere).
Some of them use an adaptive subdivision modifier to get the displacement working.
The rest ist done only with shader- and compositing-nodes!
Many files are animated!
Some cool things that are included:
- hexagonal nodegroup
- snowflake-generator
- greeble shader based on displacement
- 2D-animations made only with a shader on a single plane
- 3D-animations based on vectordisplacement and volumetrics
- highly adjustable weave-pattern with tilable distortion
- animated hologram shader
- and much more!
Works with vanilla Blender 2.81. No addons needed.
Warning! No documentation included!