Nodee: Crystals

by Jakob in Modifier Setups





Blender 3.4

How to install?

After downloading Nodee_Crystals.blend file, inside Blender go to edit > preferences

Under the File Paths tab go on the bottom  and create a new Asset Library. Choose name and file path on your disk, and after that put Nodee_Crystals.blend inside of that folder

Then you can open Asset Browser panel

On the left side you can choose library, or set list to "all" to be able to search in all libraries.

If you want to use my catalogs in the asset browser you can put the blender_assets txt file inside the same folder as the blend file.

  1.  Single_mountain_gem

Interior fracture (Debug) - add interior fracture details inside, highly computationally intensive

Fracture noise scale - change noise scale for interior fracture

Crystal shape rotation - change rotation of top boolean object

Top crystal scale - change scale of top boolean object

Radius - change radius of crystal

Height - change global height of crystal

Inclusion Scale - change scale of inclusions

Number of sides  - change global number of sides for crystal

Seed - global seed for crystal for randomization

Scale - global scale of crystal

  1.  Pyrite

This is one of the crystals, that base geometry is a curve object. You can draw curves with the Draw tool in edit mode. Then you also can project that curve on a ground object.

Seed - global seed for crystal for randomization

Ground projection - project base curve on selected Ground object

Ground object - the object it will be projecting on

Base width - width of rock, base on curve shape

Global  density factor - global density of all cubic crystals

Small cubes density - density of small cubes

Medium cubes density - density of medium cubes

Large cubes density - density of large cubes

Large cubes distance Min - minimal distance between large cubes

Tiny cubes density - density of tiny cubes

Irregular cubes density - density of irregular cubes

  1.  Plaster_crystal_multiple

This is one of the crystals, that base geometry is a curve object. You can draw curves with the Draw tool in edit mode. Then you also can project that curve on a ground object.

Seed - global seed for crystal for randomization

Different Seed for the same crystal

Ground object - the object it will be projecting on

Ground projection - project base curve on selected Ground object

Top layer offset - offset of top layer in the Z axes (for better visual representation and performance use Layer debug mode set to 1)

Middle Layer offset - offset of top layer in the Z axes (for better visual representation and performance use Layer debug mode set to 1)

Bottom layer offset - offset of top layer in the Z axes (for better visual representation and performance use Layer debug mode set to 1)

Layer debug mode - change visual representation of crystal to 3 displaced planes, for debugging purposes.

Layer displace intensity - intensity of the displacement effect on base rock of crystals

Different displacement intensity

Layer displacement scale - base displacement noise scale for base rock

Main density top - density of crystals scatter in top part

Main density bottom - density of crystals scatter in bottom part

  1. Plaster crystal single

This is one of the crystals, that base geometry is a curve object. You can draw curves with the Draw tool in edit mode. Then you also can project that curve on a ground object.

Seed - global seed for crystal for randomization

Project on ground - project base curve on selected Ground object

Ground object - the object it will be projecting on

Base rock size - rock width, shape base on curve

Different width settings

Rock thickness - thickness of base rock

Crystal height - height of plaster crystals

Different crystals height settings

Tiny crystals direction invert 1 - invert direction

Tiny crystal height 1 - height of small plaster crystals

Tiny crystals direction invert 2 - invert direction

Tiny crystal height 2 - height of small plaster crystals

Main density - density of crystals

Debug mode - debug mode, faster performance, with base rock without many details

  1.  Plaster crystal planes top

This geometry node system is based on two plane-like surfaces. (One with geometry nodes system and the second selected in Object inside geometry nodes modifier parameters) You can edit them freely to create different results.

Seed - global seed for crystal for randomization

Object - second object

Main density - main density of crystals

Small 1 Direction invert - invert direction based on normals of small crystals 1. Small crystals are divided into 2 groups, you can invert one, both or none of them

Small 1 Density - density of Small 1 crystal scatter

Small 1 Height - height of Small 1 crystals

Small 2 Direction invert - invert small crystals 2

Small 2 Density - density of small crystals 2

Small 2 Height - height of small crystals 2

Small crystals radius - radius of small crystals, both 1 and 2

  1.  Mountain_gem_crystals

This is one of the crystals, that base geometry is a curve object. You can draw curves with the Draw tool in edit mode. Then you also can project that curve on a ground object.

Ground object - the object it will be projecting on

Ground projection - project base curve on selected Ground object

Rock width - width of rock, shape is based on curve

Rock height - thickness/height of base rock

Seed - global seed for crystal for randomization

Big distance min - minimal distance between big crystals

Big distance max -  maximum distance between big crystals

Big scale - scale of big crystals

Medium distance Min - minimal distance between medium crystals

Medium distance Max - maximum distance between medium crystals

Medium scale - scale of medium crystals

Small Density - density of small crystals

Small scale - scale of small crystals

Small delete factor - delete random crystals by noise pattern. Smaller values will be causing less amount of small crystals.

Small distance Min - minimal distance between small crystals

Debug mode - faster generation with less quality, for debugging

  1. Garnet_single_crystal

Seed - global seed for crystal for randomization

Damage level - level of edge damage

Interior fracture - adding extra details inside of garnet crystals

  1. Garnet_crystals

This is one of the crystals, that base geometry is a curve object. You can draw curves with the Draw tool in edit mode. Then you also can project that curve on a ground object.

Seed - global seed for crystal for randomization

Ground projection - project base curve on selected Ground object

Ground object - the object it will be projecting on

Rock width - width of base rock, shape is based on base curve

Rock random shape - intensity of rock randomization

Rock thickness - thickness of base rock for crystals

Height of scattering crystals - minimal height for scattering garnet crystals

Different values of height of scattering

Growing crystals - Crystals closer ending of curve are getting bigger then that closer to beginning of curve

Growing crystals turned on and turned off

Crystals scale - scale of garnet crystals

Distance Min - minimal distance between garnet crystals

Density Max - density of garnet crystals

Debug mode - debug mode (much simpler rock, enable better debugging process)

Debug mode turned off and turned on

  1. Fluorite

This is one of the crystals, that base geometry is a curve object. You can draw curves with the Draw tool in edit mode. Then you also can project that curve on a ground object.

Ground projection - project base curve on selected Ground object

Ground object - the object it will be projecting on

Rock width - width of base rock, shape is based on base curve

Rock thickness - thickness of base rock for crystals

Seed - global seed for crystal for randomization

Growing crystals - Crystals closer ending of curve are getting bigger then that closer to beginning of curve

Big crystals scale - scale of the big crystals

BCrystals Density Factor -  density factor of big crystals

BCrystals Density Max - maximum density of crystals

BCrystals Distance Min - minimal density of crystals

Tiny crystals scale - scale of tiny crystals

Debug mode - debug mode (without interior fracture and tiny crystals), best for debugging thanks to fast calculation

Rock method - 2 different ways for creating rock base mesh

Rock method 0 and 1

Only rock - display only rock, without any crystals, best for rock creation

Small crystals - if set to 1 it will create small crystals (not in debug mode)

  1. Cyanite_single_crystal

Crystal radius - control radius of crystal

Seed - global seed for crystal for randomization

Crystal width - control width of crystal

*  material of Cyanite react to other objects nearby ambient occlusion

Crystal with higher width

  1. Cyanite

This is one of the crystals, that base geometry is a curve object. You can draw curves with the Draw tool in edit mode. Then you also can project that curve on a ground object.

Ground projection - project base curve on selected Ground object

Global seed - global seed for randomization

Ground object  - the object it will be projecting on

Rock width  - width of base rock, shape is based on base curve

Crystal seed - global seed for randomization, but only for crystals (it will not affect base rock)

Crystal density - density of crystals

Crystal scale - scale of crystals

Debug mode - debug mode (rock mesh is much simpler and crystal geometry is significantly reduced), best for debugging thanks to fast calculation

Debug off vs Debug on

  1. Amethyst

This is one of the crystals, that base geometry is a curve object. You can draw curves with the Draw tool in edit mode. Then you also can project that curve on a ground object.

Rock width - width of base rock, shape is based on base curve

Rock height - height of base rock for crystals

Ground object  - the object it will be projecting on

Ground projection - project base curve on selected Ground object

Seed  - global seed for crystal for randomization

Rock seed  - seed only for rock randomization

Crystals height - height of crystals

Crystals top height - height of top parts of crystals

Distance Min - minimal distance between crystals

Density Max -  maximal density of crystal scatter

Debug mode - debug mode (rock mesh is much simpler), best for debugging thanks to fast calculation

  1. Amethyst cactus single crystal

Seed - global seed for crystal for randomization

Height - height of the crystal

Top height - height  of top part of crystal

Radius - radius of crystal

Edge damage level - damage level of edges

Edge damage - turn edge damage on and off (greatly improve performance)

Side radius - radius of side crystals

Side height - height of side crystals

Side top height - height of top part of side crystals

Height of milky part - height of milky part of the crystal

Side crystals end - maximum height where side crystals are scatter

Distance Min - minimal distance between side crystals

  1. Amethyst cactus

This is one of the crystals, that base geometry is a curve object. You can draw curves with the Draw tool in edit mode. Then you also can project that curve on a ground object.

Seed - global seed for crystal for randomization

Ground object  - the object it will be projecting on

Ground projection - project base curve on selected Ground object

Rock width - width of base rock, shape is based on base curve

Crystal scatter seed - seed for different crystals scatter (this doesn't affect rock shape and tiny crystals)

Crystal spread - Crystals are distributed from a central point. This number defines how far from center crystals will be created

Crystal scale - scale of crystals

Scatter distance Min - minimal distance between crystals

Scatter density Max - maximum density of crystals scatter

Small crystals spread - Small crystals are distributed from the central point. This number defines how far from center crystals will be created

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  • If you plan to make money with this product.


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Sales 100+
4 ratings
Published almost 2 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4
License Royalty Free