Node Preview

by Simon Wendsche in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 54 ratings by the community.

    about 1 year ago

    Great product. Made workflow so much easier.

  • Hexdur
    over 1 year ago

    This addon is a must-have if you use nodes. Also great customer service, had a problem and was quickly resolved within a few days. 5/5 Stars

  • jmh3d
    over 1 year ago

    Seems like a blender oversite to me. Coming from max, I was a little annoyed that I couldn't see the various maps in the nodes. Thanks for taking the time to raise blender's UX bar for artists and professionals. Way faster than "click node > ctrl + shift + click" as well :)

    One thing to consider is making the exr and hdr thumbs render at least as decent as the preview does in the file view/chooser.

    Still though, great addition to blender (and maybe they will look into this as a default option to toggle/view individual maps in the future). Thank you again!

  • Ruby
    over 1 year ago

    extremely helpful and helps my workflow by helping me easily identify which nodes I need to tweak. very powerful and I have no complaints.

  • abdul
    almost 2 years ago

    great add-on and useful

  • Pir Anha
    almost 2 years ago

    This is the first add-on for Blender I bought and it's become nearly indispensable while studying procedural shaders; it helps so much to see the result every step of the way, especially when using vector math. I have become much more experimental. Worth every penny.

    The dev is also very responsive; I talked about a possible bug in my Blender Artists Sketchbook, not being sure yet whether to report it, and there he was telling me the bug was fixed in the latest version. Can't ask for better customer service.

  • Denis Roy
    about 2 years ago

    Incredibly useful!

  • Omid
    about 2 years ago

    Love this. Awesome addon.

  • Poisenbery
    over 2 years ago

    This is one of the best addons for blender that I have ever come across. It's so good that you'll wonder why it's not a base feature of blender.

    Dev is also amazing. I messaged them because of some "me" issues and they basically got a fix for it as quickly as possible. I also suggested some additional features, and it seems like they're working on adding them.

    If you use shader nodes at all, you probably need this.

  • David T
    over 2 years ago

    This is a very nice tool; it's *so nice* that I've long thought something like it should be an intrinsic feature of Blender. (I'm using this for shader nodes.) Would definitely recommend this.

    If you're up for making extensions, I'd like to have some visualization modes for non-image data, such as data not confined to the [0-1] range, and then get some statistics such as min/max value and perhaps a scaled version of the data. Currently these cases usually look fully saturated, so I need to add a few temporary nodes to scale them back to the [0-1] range to see their forms.

    Also, while I'm able to see values for all the nodes in my graph, I can't see useful node previews when looking at nodes in a sub-node group, even though it should be possible to know the instance of the group and thus the actual inputs. It'd be really helpful if this worked--if it already should and I'm overlooking something, please point me to where I should look in the documentation or what to fix on my end.

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Sales 5500+
54 ratings
Published almost 4 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3
License GPL