Near-Future Aged Billboard

by Glowbox Designs in Models

Thank you for your interest in Glowbox Designs and our products. Great care is taken in the modeling and texturing of these hand-crafted items. A portion of the proceeds of all GBD products go the the continued development of Blender. Support freeware today, and keep this wave growing!

The Product


This is a ritualistic or tribal animal skull pole. Found in and around villages, camps, alters and more. Used as a warning to others or a tribute to the gods of your choice.

If you have any questions, please contact support: libradragon.reed (at) 

I've designed the billboard itself to read 'YOUR AD HERE'. I've left it up to the buyer of this product to open the diffuse texture map and place their own ad into the image (or keep it as is). I've laid out the UV maps so that it will be easy to see where your custom graphic will go. If you have any questions on how to create a custom graphic for the billboard, you can either contact me and I'll get back with you, or you can contact me, and provide me with custom art, and I will send the new art to you personally. You MUST already have custom art ready to provide to me if we go this route.


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 4 years ago
Software Version 2.91
Misc Data UV'S Unwrapped, Normal Mapped, Textured
License Royalty Free
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