Motion Graphics Characters Npr – Ron And Tina

by ricolandia in Models

Updated ( 1.2 ) to Blender 3.3 and above - For EEVEE & CYCLES
Ron, and Tina, the motion graphics characters (NPR)

Why should I buy?

Ron and Tina are a result of too many work from my customized animated marketing videos. Fast render( EEVEE; only 2 seconds, And Cycles with 32 samples  ), rigged with Autorig Pro, and with facial controls for nice expressions. 3 hair styles, 3 different noses, 3 different beards(Ron) and a few choth combinations(Ron). 

A part of each sale is donated to the Blender Foundation to help Blender grow up!

To learn how to use it; take a look at the video tutorial.

Hope you like it!

Feature List:


- Rigged with Auto Rig Pro.

- Facial expressions with customized driver guide controls.


- Clean and optimized mesh.

- Easy customizable.

- Set of clothes: Pants, shorts, t-shirt, jacket, shoes and 2 hair styles( one is rigged and prepared to follow through animations using Wiggle bones( free addon)).


- Toon shaded, with easy color change.

Animation Layout:
- My personal animation layout to use sound( voice over ), dope sheet and curves.

Release log:

Version 1.0.

Release log:

Version 1.1



- Updated Rig with Auto Rig Pro


- 1 New Hair style, 3 new different noses, 3 different heads.


- Procedural textures to clothes.

- Toon shaded for Eevee and Cycles( 32 samples, very fast )

Special textures:

- UV map for clothes to insert logos.

- 3 different Mustache, Beard textures.

Software version: Blender 2.93.7 & Blender  3.0

Render engine: Eevee, Cycles

Release log:

Version 1.2


New Character:


- Updated Rig with Auto Rig Pro


- 3 Hair styles, 3 different noses.
- Real time outline option(Tina)


- Procedural textures to clothes.

- Toon shaded for Eevee and Cycles( 32 samples, very fast )

Special textures:

- UV map for clothes to insert logos.

Software version: Blender  3.0

Render engine: Eevee, Cycles


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Sales 20+
2 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 4 years ago
Software Version 3.3, 3.4
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Creative Commons