Modular Magazine Shelf For Book Shop

by hknoblauch in Models

This scene is highly modular. The intention is to offer a set of elements which can be customized and fitted to an architectural scene - be it retail, a bookshop or a magazine wall in a coffee shop.

Since it targets the visualization industry the scene makes use of cycles as the preferred render engine.

The scene uses only 5 Texture images. This radically simplifies scene management.

Also, all textures are "packed" into the blender file. This essentially means that textures are hosted inside the 3D file and eliminates missing textures due to file path issues.



Render engine:

Blender Cycles


PNG x 2, JPG x 1, HDRI x 2


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 7 years ago
Software Version 2.7x
Misc Data UV'S Unwrapped, Textured
License Royalty Free