Modify: A Complete Guide To Blender's Modifiers

by CG Cookie in Training

Is this a course?

While you could go through every chapter from start to finish, this is better used as a handy guide to have close by when you need to learn or trouble-shoot a specific modifier. All 34 modifiers in Generate and Deform columns for Mesh are covered (Geometry Nodes is the obvious exclusion) and all settings for each are explained in detail.

Are there source files included with this course?

No. Examples used are simple enough to set up and understand on their own, and it is highly encouraged you apply the examples to your own models, projects, and files.

Why only the Generate and Deform modifiers?

I considered doing ALL the modifiers, but I quickly found that the Modify list - while extremely useful - was for very specific uses, and are best covered in project-based learning. Physics Modifiers are better explained in the context of simulations (watch this space!) and even though there's only 9 modifiers listed, each can be a topic on its own!

Is there a good course on Geoetry Nodes?

Funny you should ask: Check out Assemble by Jonathan Lampel

Sales 40+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 1 year ago
Blender Version 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0
License Royalty Free
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