-= simplify workflows =-
-= one-click operations =-
-= maintain precision =-
-= reduce errors =-
-= maintain order =-
Key Features:
- One-click operations for multiple objects simultaneously
Non-accumulative adjustment of bevel and crease weight for each edge
- UV Map naming management
- Fixes multi-user errors simultaneously for objects
- Clean up junk data
Real-time status
- Supports Blender v3.6 - v4.1
-= Cleaner PRO:
Cleaning out junk data and smartly organizing UV Maps
>> CCustom Normals - Clears all chosen objects from imported custom normals
>> Clean Unused Materials - Cleans all selected objects from unused/unassigned materials
>> Rg UVMap - Efficiently reorganizing UV channels for selected objects, consolidating to preserve the active UV structure under a unified 'UVMap'
>> XYZ Mode - Change rotation order to XYZ for each selected object
## Wipe Clean - Complete clearing of selected objects depending on function selection
-= Revamp:
Manage UV/materials naming for all chosen objects at once
>> Popular UV names - A selection of names for the most popular 3D programs
>> CUSTOM NAME - Create a UV channel with your own name.
>> RENAME - Change the current UV name to your own for all selected objects.
-= Mesh Data PRO:
Exact, non-accumulative method for assigning bevel and crease weights
*** Non-cumulative method, manual factor can be set ***
>> Bevel Weight - Edge weight used by Bevel modifier
>> Crease Weight - Weight used by the Subdivision Surface modifier
-= Transfer Pro Kit:
One-click Link/Transfer of Materials or Modifiers from the active object
-= Connectivity Tools:
Assistance for multi-user error and rapid link/selection of linked objects
>> Multi-user Fix - Fixes multi-user error for all selected with one click
>> Link Objects - Links all objects with the same geometry to the active one
>> Select Linked - Selects all linked objects from any selected
-= Triangulator Kit:
Assistance for multi-user error and rapid link/selection of linked objects
>> Add | Update - Triangulation modifier overlay simultaneously with convenient settings
>> Delete - Remove only the triangulation modifier from the selected objects
-= Checker PRO:
Real-time monitoring of enabled overlays and auto merge
Wireframe and face orientation one-click
Final transform check before file export
>> Auto Merge Vertices - Real time visible and useful on/off auto merge
>> Scale - Check that all selected objects have the default scale XYZ = 1.00
>> Rotation - Ensuring all selected objects have default rotation XYZ = 0.00
>> Non-Mat. - Verify selected objects for any without assigned materials
>> Show FO | Wireframes - On/off view of face orientation or wireframes with one-click
>> Crease | Sharp | Bevel | Seams - Real time visible and one-click mode overlays
What's new ?
* Code optimization.
* Modernized UI.
* Enhanced custom normal cleaning speed (1500obj ~8s)
+ Ability to choose the most popular UV Map default names.
+ New "custom name" and "rename" functions for UV Maps.
+ Add | Update - now you can select options before upgrading.
+ Checker PRO - now includes one-click on/off capability for Overlays.
+ One-click wireframe view.
+ One-click Auto Merge Vertices with big checker.
++ Clean Unused Materials - Removes unassigned materials from all selected objects.
++ Mesh Data PRO - The ability to assign bevel and crease edge weights for all selected edges at the same time without the effect of summing weights. The weights are as you choose.