Mat Clear Restore

by Faisu VFX Studio in Addons

  • Introduction:
  • “MatClear Restore is a must-have Blender add-on for 3D artists.”
  • Primary Function:
  • “With a single click, you can remove all materials from your scene and restore them just as easily.”
  • Key Benefits:
  • “This add-on is perfect for enhancing clay renders, applying material overrides, and even offers options for emission light settings, making your workflow more efficient and streamlined.”
  • Use Cases:
  • “Whether you’re cleaning up your scene or experimenting with different material setups, MatClear Restore simplifies the process and saves you time.”

  1. Open Blender: Launch Blender.
  2. Preferences: Go to Edit Preferences.
  3. Install: Click Add-ons > Install..., select the .zip file, and click Install Add-on.
  4. Activate: Check the box next to “MatClear Restore” to enable it.
  5. Save: Click Save Preferences.

You can now use “MatClear Restore” from the Properties Panel Material section.

  • Warning.
  • After Clicking "Clear All Materials," avoid clicking "Leave Emission" or you may lose everything.



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Dev Fund Contributor
Published 5 months ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5
Extension Type Add-on
License GPL
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3d-user-interface 3D materials matcleaner