This item has an average rating of 5 from 50 ratings by the community.
about 4 years ago
Need more tutorials and information
about 4 years ago
This is a great addon! Yet the documentation, which can be considered comprehensive, is weak at best! For example, there's only a single paragraph explaining what the bump painter does, but lacks any info as to how it should be used. This needs to change and the documentation needs to be overhauled asap. I'm still at odds as to how I should be using the bump painter node group in the shader editor >:-(
Atiwat Aunlitaisiri
over 4 years ago
This is an amazing addon but in version 2.8.6 2.9.0 2.9.1 when I add mask base node and image mask It's pink texture and I cant't bake it that I sent some problem in IB . I hope you will release new version soon.
over 4 years ago
This is a must have, mostly you can do exactly the same stuff you do on Substance Painter but in Blender, I recommend using it with Simple Bake and you can texture paint and bake in minutes!
Omar Abdelli
over 4 years ago
there is some shading and texturing plugins in the market now.. but I think that this is the most artistic one despite its simple interface, and ofcourse the most cool and clair tutorials "even before the plugin was created :D"
almost 5 years ago
blender 2.8 was a big step, and Mask Tool is also a big step for blender. With Mask Tool you can raise your textures to a substance-painter level. You will always enjoy it.
Torkild Lindebjerg
almost 5 years ago
Warren Reed
about 5 years ago
This is a great addon, it is really helping me to add an extra layer of ahh and ooh to my work. I recently used it to add subtleties to bg materials in my short film Pigmeats I totally love this add on.
about 5 years ago
Amazing addon! I use to hate texturing now its so much fun thanks Michael McCann
Michael Cunningham
about 5 years ago
I've only used this for a short time but I'm impressed. Thanks to the clear tutorial on YT, it's easy to understand and to set up the nodes. With the included brushes, texture painting is a joy and the process works in a straightforward way. I love the look of the results I'm getting - It's like actually applying paint to my wooden doors or metal frames only with the advantage of sliders to vary the effect. I've used Substance Painter before but the cost drove me away. This addon means I no longer need it. And the one-off payment is much easier on the wallet ;)