Full Asset Creation Workflow - Market Stall

by Riley Brown in Training

How long is the course?

235 minutes

Do I need any addons or special hardware to follow along?

I do use some special tools and addons through-out the course, but there are good free alternatives along the way. Here's a list of each, and a free alternative. 
- Procreate drawing software → You can always use a pen and paper. I mention something called 2 point perspective. For that you'll need a ruler. 

- fSpy → We use this to set up reference. This is already free

- UVPackMaster  → You can use vanilla Blender packing tools. I do recommend this if you're serious about asset creation in Blender, for the reasons outlined in the course. 

- Simple Bake → You can use Blender's vanilla baking tools. I recommend simple bake if you're serious about asset creation in Blender, especially if you regularly bake and export to other software or game engines. 

- Fluent Materializer → At it's core this is a collection of procedural texturing tools that speed up my texturing process. While not absolutely necessary, they definitely help speed up the process. 

Dev Fund Contributor
Published 7 months ago
Blender Version 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6
License Royalty Free
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