Low Poly Props Collections
Low poly props collection is specifically designed for VR / AR / Mobile phones / low-poly 3D games. A props library that can help anyone quickly develop or prototype their low poly games. This pack has a collection of 1001 props ranging from household items to environment props. No more stress of spending your time and energy to model them yourself, this asset is mainly to save you from this common enemy of game development.
Feel free to leave your review if you bought it :) Cheers!
Props: 1001 models or prefabs(Unity), 1 Texture.png, (game ready)
[Props list]
Props 1 - AC - Book1 - Book2 - Book3 - Books1 - Books2 - Books3 - Books4 - Books5 - Books6 - Books7 - Books8 - Books9 - Brazier - BreadBin - ComputerScreen - CookingGas1 - CookingGas2 - CookingGasTall1 - CookingGasTall2 - Cooler - CuttingBoard - DeskChair - DeskLamp - DrainCover - DrinkMachine - DVDPlayer - DVDStack1 - DVDStack2 - Flowers1 - Flowers2 - Flowers3 - GameConsole1 - GameConsole2 - GameConsole3 - GameController - GardenMarker - Globe - Keg - Keyboard - Lamp1 - Lamp2 - LaundryBin - LetterBox1 - LetterBox2 - LetterBox3 - LetterBox4 - LetterBox5 - Microwave - Mouse - OpenBook - Plant1 - Plant2 - Plant3 - Plant4 - Plant5 - Plant6 - Plant7 - Pot1 - Pot2 - Pot3 - Pot4 - Pot5 - Pot6 - Pot7 - PotPlanthanging1 - PotPlanthanging2 - Radiator - RubbishBin1 - ShopCheckout - Speaker - Stair - Stereo - StereoSpeaker - StereoSpeakerBig - Stool - StreetSign1 - StreetSign2 - StreetSign3 - StreetSign4 - Toaster - ToiletBrush - TowerHanger - CoffeeMachine
Props2 - Art - Art2 - Art3 - Art4 - Art5 - Art6 - Art7 - Art8 - Art9 - BirdBath - Bucket - Cake1 - Cake2 - CakeSlice1 - CakeSlice2 - Candle1 - Candle2 - Candle3 - CardboardBox1 - CardboardBox2 - CardboardBox3 - CardboardBox4 - CardboardBox5 - Cart - CeilingFan - CeilingLight1 - CeilingLight2 - CeilingLight3 - CeilingLight4 - CeilingLight5 - CeilingLight6 - CeilingSign1 - Cheese - Clock1 - Clock2 - CookingPot - CookingPotLid - FruitBowl - Jar1 - Jar2 - LightSwitch1 - LightSwitch2 - OutdoorLight1 - OutdoorLight2 - Pan - PetBowl1 - PetBowl2 - Plate1 - Plate2 - PowerPlug - RubbishBin2 - Scale - SmartSecurityLight - Sprinkler - TowelRack - ToyBlock1 - ToyBlock2 - ToyBlock3 - Toys - TVRemote - TVRemote2 - WallLight1 - WallLight2
Props3 - ACOutdoorUnit - AirVent - BabyCot - Chair1 - Chair2 - Chair3 - Chair4 - CompostBin - Couch1 - DeckChair1 - DeckChair2 - DeckChair3 - DeckChair4 - FirePlace1 - FirePlace2 - FloatingNoodle1 - FloatingNoodle2 - FloatingNoodle3 - FloatingRing1 - FloatingRing2 - FridgeDrink - GlassesStand - Hoop - HoseReel - IceCreamFreezer - InflatbleFloatingBed - KitchenHood - LaundryBin2 - LaundrySink - Mirror1 - Mirror2 - Oven - PublicPhone - RoadSign1 - RoadSign2 - RoadSign3 - RoadSign3 - RoofAirVent1 - RoofAirVent2 - Rug1 - Rug2 - Safe - ShopShelf - SolarPanel - Table1 - Table2 - Television - TelevisionOld - TelevisionWall - Toilet - ToolCabinet - Trashbag1 - Trashbag2 - TVCabinet1 - TVCabinet2 - WashingMachine1 - WashingMachine2 - WheelBarrow
Props4 - Barbeque - Barrel - BathroomRug1 - BathroomRug2 - BathroomSink1 - BathroomSink2 - BathTub1 - BathTub2 - BikeStand - Chair - Couch2 - Couch3 - Desk1 - Desk2 - Drawers1 - Dresser - Dresser2 - Dresser3 - FloorMat - FoodHeater - Fountain - Hoop2 - Manhole - OutdoorTable - ParkBench - RubbishBin3 - Rug - ShopCounter - SideTable - Sign - StandingLamp1 - StandingLamp2 - StreetSignPole - Toilet2 - ToolBoard1 - ToolBoard2
Props5 - Antena - Couch5 - Couch6 - DiningChair1 - DiningTable1 - Fridge1 - Fridge2 - FuelPump - KitchenCabinet1 - KitchenCounter1 - KitchenCounter2 - KitchenCounterEnd - KitchenCounterSink - KitchenCounterWashing - OutDoorOven - Pew - Piano - PoolChild1 - PoolFitness - PoolSpa1 - PropaneTank - SatelliteDisk1 - SatelliteDisk2 - ShopShelf2 - ShopShelf3 - Shower1 - Shower2 - StreerLamp - Swing1 - Trampoline - Wardrobe1 - Wardrobe2 - Wardrobe3 - WorkShelf1 - WorkShelf2 - Shell1
Props6 - BookShelf1 - BookShelf2 - BunkBed1 - Couch - Couch1 - Couch2 - Couch3 - Couch4 - DiningChair2 - DiningChair3 - DogHouse1 - DoubleBed1 - DoubleBed2 - DoubleBed3 - OutDoorHeater1 - OutDoorTable2 - Pillow - Playground1 - Playground2 - Playground3 - Playground4 - SandBucket - SandPit - ShopCounter2 - ShopFridge1 - ShopFridge2 - SingleBed1 - SingleBed2 - WashingLine1 - WashingLine2 - WashingLine3 - WashingLine4 - WashingLine5 - WorkBench1
Props7 - AmericanFootball - Blade1 - BoxCutter1 - Bread1 - Brush1 - Brush2 - Can1 - Can2 - Chisel1 - Corn1 - Cup1 - Drill1 - Drink1 - Drink2 - Drink3 - Drink4 - DrinkGlass1 - DrinkGlass2 - Fork1 - Frsibee1 - GardernFork1 - GardernTowel1 - GardernTowel2 - GlassBottle1 - GlassBottle2 - GlassBottle3 - GlassCup1 - GlassCup2 - HackSaw1 - HackSaw2 - Hammer1 - Hammer2 - Hammer3 - JuiceJug1 - Knife1 - Mallet1 - Mallet2 - MouthWash1 - Mug1 - Nails1 - Onion1 - Pizza1 - PlasticCup - Pumpkin1 - RealFootball - SausageBun1 - SausageCooked1 - SausageRaw1 - Saw1 - Scrapper1 - ScrewDriver1 - ScrewDriver2 - Soap1 - Soap2 - Spanner1 - Spanner2 - Spoon1 - ToiletRoll1 - ToiletRoll2 - ToiletRoll3 - ToiletRoll4 - ToiletRollMounted1 - Tomato1 - ToolBox1 - ToothBrush1 - ToothBrush2 - ToothBrushCup1 - ToothPaste1 - WateringCan1 - WireCutter1 - WireCutter2 - Wrench1
Props8Env - AboveGroundPool1 - Bush1 - Bush2 - Bush3 - Bush4 - Cabbage1 - Carrot1 - DirtPile1 - DivingBoard1 - Flowers1 - Flowers2 - Flowers3 - GardenBox1 - GardenBox2 - GardenShed1 - Grass1 - Grass2 - Grass3 - GrassEdge1 - GrassEdge2 - GrassEdge3 - Hedge1 - Hedge2 - Hedge3 - IngroundPool1 - PathBlock1 - PlantCorn1 - PlantOnion1 - PlantPumpkin1 - PlantTomato - PlantVege1 - PlantVege2 - PoolLadder1 - PoolLadder2 - Tree1 - Tree2 - Tree3 - TreeBase1 - TreeBig1 - TreeTall1 - TreeFramed1 - TreeFramed2 - TreePine1 - TreePine2 - TreeTall2 - WhiteFence - WhiteFenceGate1 - WhiteFenceGate2 - WhiteFenceGate3 - WhiteFencePost - WoodFence1 - WoodFenceGate1 - WoodFenceGate2 - WoodFencePost
Props9 - AlarmPole1 - Barrel1 - Barrel1 - Barrel3 - BarrelPile1 - BarrelPile2 - BarrelPile3 - RoadBarrier2 - BedFrame1 - BrokenMirror1 - BrokenPlank1 - BrokenPlank1 - BrokenPlank3 - BulletShell1 - BulletShell2 - CampBed1 - CampBed2 - Chair4 - Chair5 - ChickenCoop1 - Chimney1 - Crate1 - Crate2 - Crate3 - Crate4 - CratePile1 - CratePile2 - CratePile3 - DiningTable2 - Fence1 - Fence2 - Fence3 - FenceGate1 - FenceGate1Door - FenceHigh1 - FenceHigh2 - FenceHigh3 - FenceOrnate1 - FenceOrnate1Post - FenceOrnate2 - FencePost - FenceWire1 - FenceWire2 - FenceWirePost - FirePlaceOld1 - GasCan1 - Gramaphone1 - GrandfatherClock1 - Hay1 - Hay2 - Hay3 - HayPile1 - HayPile2 - LandMine1 - LightPose1 - Matress1 - MiniTable1 - OldOven1 - OldRadioBox1 - OldRadioBox2 - OldRadioBox3 - PowerPole1 - RadioTower1 - RoadBarrier1 - SearchLightBase1 - Shleves1 - ShipMine1 - Steps1 - Strecher1 - Table3 - TankTrap1 - TankTrap2 - Turret1 - Typewritter1 - Wire1 - Wire2 - Wire3
Props10Weapon - AssaultRiffle1 - Bayonet1 - Bayonet2 - Bayonet3 - Bazooka1Missile - Bazooka1 - Bazooka2Missile - Bazooka2 - Flamethrower1 - Flamethrower1Tank - Grenade1 - Grenade2 - HeavyMachineGun1 - HeavyMachineGun2 - MachineGun1 - Mortar1 - MortarShell - Pistol1 - Pistol2 - Riffle1 - Riffle2 - Riffle3 - Riffle4 - SubMachineGun1 - SubMachineGun2 - SubMachineGun3 - Torpedo1
Email shakiroslann@gmail.com
Sales | 10+ |
Dev Fund Contributor | |
Published | almost 3 years ago |
Blender Version | 2.79, 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0 |
Render Engine Used | Cycles |
Misc Data | Uvs-Unwrapped, Textured |
License | Royalty Free |
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