Loop Generator

by safa güzel in Addons

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Loop Generator

Loop Generator is a convenient tool to create 3D model easily.

V1.1 OUT!


+Ring Array feature added, arrange objects circularly.
+Link data feature added.
+New collection for created objects.
+Bugs fixed.


Snap To Faces:

Add objects to the selected faces. (The source object must have 1 selected face.)

Make Array:

Add the objects you want to the edge orbit you selected in editing mode.
Automatically bend objects (according to their position and size in orbit) with the Use Bend feature.

Customize the distance between objects and their position in orbit

Use Dimension property calculates the rotation of objects based on the size of the object (their size is more consistent for larger objects)

You can use the Make Array feature for curves in object mode and mesh edges in edit mode.

Snap To Vertices:

Snap the object you want to the vertex you selected.
You can do rotation, offset and scale settings from the n panel.

Other Products:

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Sales 50+
1 ratings
Published 11 months ago
Software Version 4.0
License GPL