London Terraced House - Rowhome 01

by UH Studio in Models

Scene Details

Individual House Group

The house has been built from scratch using reference images to scale. All objects are meticulously named and consist of quad faces. Windows and doors have been built with the archipack addon, meaning that if you would like to modify the windows further (eg. add further subdivisions), you can adjust window/door elements from the 3d view properties (N).

The interior consists of simple, paper thin planes for floors and walls meant to give a subtle sense of depth.

Duplicated Groups

All objects are uv unwrapped and are using the 2.79's native principled/disney material shader. In this sense, the materials are as simple as straightforward allowing furthermodification. An example could be to show red brick or white painted brick (notation of achieving this is included within the material nodes in the blender file)

Textures are from poliigon. Doors and trash sheds have a random subtle color variation that can be adjusted to suit your needs. 

All house objects are part of a collection that can be instanced with empties or duplifaces. Examples of both array methods are included in the file. If you would like to link/import house into another blend file, you can append the collection directly into your file.

Example of duplifaces array


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Sales 10+
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 7 years ago
Software Version 2.9, 2.79
License Royalty Free