Living Room Furniture Set
I made these 5 furniture pieces when i was doing some archviz scene for my portfolio. And thinking of this, most of the times it's hard to find furniture pieces that match when put together. So i thought you guys could find these useful, cause it'll save you a lot of time. Not only time spent looking for the right stuff online, but also making them yourself. And in the end you'll enrich your 3D asset library with these 5 pieces!
In this particular situation the furniture was made with a living room mind set, but you can pretty much put it in any other division of the house.
The mesh is all quads and i tried to make it as simple as possible, not to overload the scene. It is also unwrapped and textured.
PS: As an example of how these furniture pieces may look like in a complete scene, here's my final render, from my portfolio:
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architectureal ArchViz unwraped 3D Photorealism 3d furniture models livingroom 3d-texture