Liquid Bubble Addon
Liquid Bubble Addon :
Liquid Bubble Add-on is a procedural liquid bubble that allows you to generate bubbles with liquid. This add-on can help you to make bubble liquid animation.
Read the Documentation to know how to use this addon.
New Update : UPDATE V2 :
- Fixing render bugs
- New UI
- update to work with blender 4.0+
New Update : UPDATE 1.2.0 :
- we fix all problems, now you will be able to use the addon in blender 3.2 and 3.3.1
New Update : UPDATE 1.1.0
- Bugs fix
- New UI

- Bugs fix
- New UI

The Liquid Bubble Add-on panel is located in a section of the N-Panel.
take a look of my best addons :
Scifi Extrude Addon
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- Procedural Desert Environment
Procedural green ocean environment
Easy Controls :
What you'll get?
- The add-on zip file
Requires Blender 3.0+
For responses and inquiries, contact
On Discord:
Contact me if you need any help, comments and criticism are also welcome. Enjoy!
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