Levitation Addon

by nogproductions in Addons

Add-on Installation

  1. Download the add-on’s .py file.
  2. In Blender, go to Edit > Preferences.
  3. In the Add-ons tab, click Install and select the .py file.
  4. After installation, check the box to activate the add-on.

How to Use the Add-on

Object Selection:

  • Select the object you want to animate with the levitation effect.

Parameter Adjustments:

  • Go to 3D View > Sidebar (N) > Levitation Tab.
  • The following parameters are available for adjustment:
    • Levitation Height: Set the maximum height the object will reach during levitation.
    • Rotation Intensity: Control the intensity of the rotation applied during levitation.
    • Start Frame: Determine the starting frame of the levitation animation.
    • End Frame: Determine the ending frame of the levitation animation.
    • Seed: Change the randomness of the object’s rotation.

Apply the Levitation Effect:

  • After adjusting the desired settings, click the Apply Levitation Effect button to apply the effect to the selected object.
  • The add-on will automatically create keyframes for the rotation and location settings, applying the effect smoothly over the defined frames.

Reset the Effect:

  • To remove the levitation effect and all associated keyframes from the object, select the desired object and click the Reset Levitation Effect button.

Individual Object Settings

  • The add-on allows each object to maintain its settings individually. When selecting a new object, the settings defined in the add-on’s interface reflect the specific values applied to the object. This allows animating multiple objects independently with different parameters.

Technical Details

  • Smooth Animation: The add-on uses only 3 keyframes to define the location and rotation of objects, ensuring smooth and natural animation while minimizing the complexity of the animation graph.
  • Randomized Rotation with Seed: The object’s rotation uses quaternions to ensure smooth transitions between axes, and the seed alters the randomness of the rotation.

Usage Example

  1. Select a cube in the scene.
  2. Set the Levitation Height to 3.0, the Rotation Intensity to 0.2, and define the Start Frame as 1 and the End Frame as 120.
  3. Change the Seed to 42 to randomize the rotation.
  4. Click Apply Levitation Effect.
  5. The cube will smoothly levitate from frame 1, reaching the maximum height and returning to its original position by frame 120.


  • Adjust the Rotation Intensity to lower values for more subtle rotations.
  • Use different Seed values to vary the rotation of multiple objects in the scene.
  • Experiment with different animation intervals using the Start Frame and End Frame settings to create longer or shorter levitation effects.


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Published 5 months ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0
Extension Type N/A
License Royalty Free
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