Old Stove-Top Cast-Iron Kettle

by Alan @ London Creative CG in Models

Is the mesh suitable for 3D printing ?

The mesh that you see on this product page is not set up for 3D printing. However, if you like the object and would like to be able to 3D-print it, please let me know. I will be happy to take a look at making a 3D-printable version available, if there is a demand for it.

What can I do if I have a question or concern ?

I'll be happy to help you, if you contact me using the 'Ask a Question' button on this product page.

Please contact me directly, rather than through the 'Review' / 'Ratings' section. I'd appreciate it.


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Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 2 years ago
Software Version 3.2
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
Misc Data Low-High-Resolution
License Royalty Free