Lazy Bones

by Blue Nile 3d in Addons

Lazy Bones Documentation | Front Page (

The general workflow is:

1 - Select mesh, right-click, 'Lazy Bones...Mesh-2-Edge Sim'.

2 - Wait for the simulation to play, when you are happy with the results, hit 'Apply'.

     Alternatively, manually pause the timeline and scrub until you find a moment you like. Then hit apply.

3 - Use Sim Clean tools to improve the simulation results.

4 - Apply Sim Clean modifiers.

5 - Place the 3d Cursor at the hips/base/etc of the model - The bones will attempt to point away from the 3d cursor.

5 - Select all Edges in 'Edit, Edge Select' mode......Right click, 'Lazy Bones...Edge-2-Bone'.

6 - Improve the bone results with the 'Bone Doctor' menu

7 - Manually tweak and perfect

Basic usage is covered in the video guides.

Quick guide:

Extended Guide:

Choose a product version:

  • $0 Render Rigs (FREE)

    A free addon for converting armatures into render-able mesh objects. Custom shapes are now supported. This is a free/experimental addon. Expect possible bugs.

    Currently unavailable

  • $13 Lazy Bones

    Lazy Bones addon. All coming updates are included.

Sales 300+
Downloads 800+
Customer Ratings 3
Average Rating
Dev Fund Contributor
Published 8 months ago
Blender Version 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License GPL
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