Lapineige's Tools V2.9 - Add-Ons Compilation To Make Your Life Easier
Currently the most complete documentation is the video attached to this page.
Feel free to contact me if you encounter any trouble or have feature suggestion :-)
Warning: if you are using my add-ons (from GitHub), before installing the Lapineige's Tools, please remove them to avoid crash.
Release Notes:
###### version 2.9
- Deleted an (unused) double in the AutoMirror code.
- The Tweak Area operator now split the screen where the mouse is (instead of the splitting always on the middle).
- Material Advanced Override now display the alert message correctly (it was buggy before).
- Material Advanced Override now works well with instances.
###### version 2.8
- Material Advanced Override can now deal with objects that have no material (slots). - It also display an alert message in 3D view, to make sure you will not forget it is enabled.
###### version 2.7 - a bug was blocking the Incremental Save Tool, now it's fixed.
###### version 2.6
- added Advanced Material Override, the same tool as the renderlayer override but with exclusion options (realy usefull to exclude lamps,...).
- Text Editor Pie: Comment and Indent are now on the same side, to be more consitent.
###### version 2.5
- The Incremental Save as been improved, it can use an existing naming system. For exemple, if you file is MyBlend01.blend, it will saves MyBlend02.blend.
###### version 2.4
- The Incremental Save is now (realy) working, but only on Windows. It also show an info message to know where the file is saved, and with what name. - AutoMirror: the axis menu changed to radio-buttons.
###### version 2.1
- Fix: correct an issue with 2.0, the text editor pie is no longer using the classical indent/(un)comment tools.
###### version 2.0
- added a Incremental File Save tool, that save a version of your file with an incremental suffix. - Fix: the shorcut for the Pie and for Tweak Area no longer need to be re-changed each time you start a new Blender session.
- Fix: As for the pie/tweak area, the lock camera to view option and the graphic card choice no longer need to be re-activated each time you start a new Blender session
###### version 1.8
- changed an icon in the text editor pie menu - remove a bug when unistalling, with the pie menu shortcut - improved stability of keymaps managment
###### version 1.7
- removed a 'bug' with the keymap when opening a new blend file.
- removed a bug with automirror, blocking the parameters view.
- delete an unused line in PRBA
###### version 1.6 - In the text editor's pie, the tools indent and (un)comment no longer need to select at least a part of a line to be used (unlike the default Blender one). With multiple lines selected, that works as how it works before. And the tool will uncomment several '#' at the same time.
###### version 1.5 - added a Pie Menu for the text editor, with some tools useful for scripting - fixed a bug with version 1.2, blocking AutoMirror options - some more minor code adjusted
###### version 1.2 - Now the choice of add-on enabled is stored in the preferences. No need to reactivate them each time.
###### version 1.1 - Fix a bug with the keymaps when removing the add-on
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