Kit Ops Synth

by Chipp Walters in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 8 ratings by the community.

  • Smeaf
    over 1 year ago

    ❌No predators to be seen
    ✅10/10 Customer Support
    ✅Made some sick renders while sleeping (10/10 sleep as well)
    ✅Smeaf Approved.

  • Steffen
    over 1 year ago

    Forget it! Last update in FOREVER.
    But you could say that that update is being sold as a seperate product.
    Called "Spock".
    This is the kind of predatory practices that really bring this plattform down.
    You have really changed Mr Walters.

  • Samson
    over 2 years ago

    Synth is a great compliment to this line. The availability to make mechs so quickly is incredible. Say goodbye to stacks and stacks of random pieces to sort through. Very easy to add additional detail if need be, which btw, you can also do with this pack. All the quickly generated gadgetry you could possibly want to slap on anything you need. Great documentation is available. Simple instructions explained without unnecessary information to help you become a pro at using synth. Even if you only buy a couple of products from Chipp in this line, you will quickly have an increasing library of items to utilize. And the items are well modeled and helpful. Great prices coupled with only needing to buy what you specifically need while maintaining compatibility makes this another great product.

  • Lumer B
    almost 3 years ago

    One of the best addons I have. The price is justifiable considering the amount of time it will save me exploring ideas and variations, it is an investment. It lives up to the expectation and there is even more to discover.

  • Niall McCaffrey
    about 3 years ago

    Product does not live up to the promise of the flashy videos. The customer support is terrible. You will get banned from the discord if you complain. Negative reviews and criticism are deleted from here and the youtube channel. Cannot recommend this product at all. You also have to buy KitOps Pro to get any use out of this. I feel really ripped off. Avoid!

  • exUlysses
    about 4 years ago

    Another ground breaking Blender add on from Chip Walters! This was an insta buy from me, but having played around with it for the morning I can confidently say that this is game changer for me. No more agonising over placement. Synth has solved a huge block in my workflow. Combined with Kit Ops the possibilities are endless. Keep up the good work Chipp!

  • Kreative Kris
    about 4 years ago

    This Add-on is awesome!!! I saw it was released this morning and Grabbed a copy first thing. Thanks Chipp and Mark, my favorite add-ons are made by you guys and this one is really amazing, fast and easy to use UI as always. Lots of possibilities.

    about 4 years ago

    I don't leave reviews often, but when I do, it's because I am impressed. :)
    First of all, $35... Try to name your price for the time you spend on designing, and you realize it's a freaking steal. This addon saves a lot of time, and it works even while you sleep. In the morning you just check all rendered versions and choose your favorite design. It's perfect for fast SCI-FI environments, gadgets, you name it. So versatile!
    And yes, I appreciate detailed tutorials a lot. That's what makes Chipp a complete developer IMHO. In only a few detailed videos, you learn everything about the addon. That's rare to find. I've spent a lot on addons here, and a lot more on tuts for some addons (time and money), which is not so convenient. With Chipp's addons I am covered, and I love it.
    Can't wait for the next addon from his labs. I feel the best is yet to come.

    • Chipp Walters

      about 4 years ago

      Wow, thanks for the kind comments. A lot of credit goes to Mark Kingsnorth for being such a great partner to work with!

  • Displaying 8 ratings

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Sales 1500+
8 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published about 4 years ago
Software Version 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.92, 2.91
License Royalty Free