Ice Cream Shop
Ice cream shop with outdoor chairs and tables and street lights with the best topology
polygon : 110.201 vertex : 116.721
- flowerbox with lupoli flowers
- Chairs with beautiful forms for tables with their own shade
- Street lights with unique design
- Ice cream logo with details
- Ice cream shop sign with beautiful font
- Shade design for the entrance
*Features: *
- All colors can be easily modified.
- No part-name confusion when importing several models into a scene.
- No cleaning up necessary, just drop model into your scene and start rendering.
- No special plugin needed to open scene.
*Project features: *
- The scene consists different Items.
- The basic format of blender but also includes 3Ds,OBJ,FBX and Max Format
- Materials included
- Very easy to use just one click for edit project!
*File formats: *
- blender 2.92
- 3ds Max 2015
- OBJ (Multi Format)
- 3DS (Multi Format)
- FBX Every model has been checked with the appropriate software.
_Hope you like it! Also check out my other models, just click on my user name to see complete gallery. Please rate this product if you liked! _
*my email is my instagram id is sahra.javid.74 *
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board fantasy cream Chair table low_poly ice icecreamshop 3d-blender sahrajavid streetlighting icecream street umbrella Shop flowerbox ice_cream 3d-model-lowpoly Game lowpoly gameready sahra_javid coffee light