Ultimate 50 Human And Creature Eyeball Collection

by Daniel F.R. Gordillo in Models

Most eyeballs use 3 materials: One for the sclera, one for the Iris and one for the transparent shiny exterior layer. The Robot and reptilian eyeballs use their own materials. 


The materials are modular, and are defined per object instead of per data, so you can have different materials set to instanced/linked copies of the same object. To make everything easier, there are 6 node groups available, one is an internal node and the rest of them create the color and bump height data to connect into the shader's inputs.

Node groups:

All the materials make use of at least one of these node groups, so the node tree looks simple and clean. You can enter these node groups and make your own adjustments but I don't advise it unless you already have some experience with the Blender node system.


This is the exterior surface material, it controls the glossiness of the eyeball, and the hologram emission pattern in robot and android eyes.


This controls the veins and red gradation in most of the eyeballs, except in the robot and reptilian ones.


A mix of procedural textures and color inputs to create the radial pattern of the iris.


Metallic material with 3 color inputs for the solid parts, and 1 for the emission light.


A special group designed to work only with the reptilian eye.


A metanode group, really. It works inside some of the other node groups creating black and white radial patterns.

How to: Append any eye into a Scene:

  • Create or open a .blend file
  • Press Shift F1 or File -> Append
  • Find this .blend and select it• Go into Object
  • All the eyeballs are named like this [Type].eye.[Color]
  • Select the desired object
  • Press "Link/Append from Library"

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Sales 100+
3 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 9 years ago
Software Version 2.83, 2.9, 2.91
Render Engine Used Cycles, Eevee
License Royalty Free
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