Hex Node Pro
With this shader pack you get four highly customizable, fully procedural nodegroups to create hexagon patterns.
Even rounded hexagons are supported.
Update: Now set up for the Asset Library.
The nodes include indexed hexagonal UVs, which are very useful for various effects. This way you can address each cell individually.
Included are four procedural texture nodegroups:
- Simple Hex - for basic hexagon patterns
- Distorted Hex - for complex organic hexagon patterns with distortion and noise per cell already set up
- Simple Hex Rounded - similar to "simple hex" but with adjustable rounded corners
- Distorted Hex Rounded - similr to "distorted hex" but with adjustable rounded corners
Also included are 7 basic shaders with simple explanation/documentation and 6 complex shaders (some animated) to show you what is possible.
Update 02:
Added a rounded-hex node to the file, so you can have a hexagon texture with adjustable rounded corners.
Update 03:
- Optimized the overall node layout
- Integrated the rounded hexagon texture into two new nodegroups.
- Created a additional cobblestone shader to show the possibilities with the rounded hex node.
- Created a new file (example_cobblestone.blend) to show what is possible with the cycles renderer and geometry displacement.
- Added optimized versions for blender 2.81.
Update 04:
- Set up the file for the Asset Library
- Optimized the node groups for Blender 3.6
Works with Eevee and Cycles
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shaders pack shaders shader library Material hex hexagonal Shader Pack Shader loveblender hexagon honeycomb patterns honey materials pattern spring24