H2O-Gpu Ocean Shader
to implement this shader to your project do the following:
1. Press file then select Append:
2. Choose H2O blend file and select materials:
3. Select H2O.
4. Have fun!
Note: The Ocean modifier is needed for accurate water simulation and displacement, however, you can use the vanilla version of the shader with the default noise variations if you want a flat water surface.
This product includes one main project/H2O.blend file contains the default shader & two different presets as separated .blend files including two 4k HDRIs.
...If you are a beginner feel free to ask me anything!
Recommended GPUs:
NVIDIA: GTX 1050TI/1060.. and above
AMD: Rx 470/480.. and above
of course, you still can use older GPUs with minor render times increase depending on the GPU used.